Family Law Attorney Omaha

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3. Should I take an insurance company’s first offer? Omaha, NE

4. What is maximum medical improvement? Omaha, NE

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6. Can a child custody order be modified? Omaha, NE

7. How long do I have to bring a personal injury claim to court?

8. What if the workers' compensation accident was my fault? Omaha, NE

9. Why do I need a lawyer for my divorce? Omaha, NE

10. What kind of insurance coverage is available in Nebraska personal injury case? Omaha, NE

11. What can a Nebraska worker's compensation attorney do for me? Omaha, NE

12. How do we divide assets in a divorce? Omaha, NE

13. Why should I consult an attorney for my personal injury case?

14. How is child custody determined in Nebraska?

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24. What does the divorce process entail? Omaha, NE

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Family Law Attorney Omaha
Many often refer to them as divorce lawyers. However, there is much more that family lawyers can assist you with. While divorce cases form a major part of their professional practice, family lawyers specialize in handling legal issues that are concerned with the entire family. You will need to get in touch with an attorney that specializes in family law in Omaha if you are facing:

A divorce

Going through a divorce can be emotionally draining. It affects not just the couple going through the divorce but also their children, relatives and friends. Emotions can run high during the proceedings, making it impossible to settle issues amicably even when the divorce is uncontested. A family law attorney can act as a mediator and help you deal with issues more rationally.

Nebraska law recognizes no-fault divorce. This makes it easier to get a divorce, especially when there is no dispute. However, it is still important to have your own legal representation for the divorce proceedings. There are many issues that must be settled between the couple that will have a long term impact on either party. A family lawyer will help you better understand the implications of your decisions and guide you in making them.

If disputes arise during the divorce proceedings, your attorney will defend your rights to ensure the best outcome for you.

Child custody

Children are often the worst hit in divorce cases. They are also often the center of bitter disputes between couples that are getting divorced or those that are separating but are not married. Some spouses even use their children as a weapon against their ex.

Courts consider various factors when deciding custody of children. Some of these factors include the stability that a parent can provide and which parent appears to have the greatest bond with the children. The court’s goal is to provide the children with the best environment for them to thrive in after the separation proceedings are completed. Your family lawyer will help to demonstrate why they should award you custody of the children. They will also advise you on what you should do and shouldn’t do to improve your chances of success.
Nebraska law allows for parents to come up with custody agreements outside court. A family law attorney can help you reach an agreement that can be presented in court.

Child and spousal support

Issues regarding spousal and child support are often part of divorce cases. However, these issues can also arise long after a couple divorces or with couples that have never been married.

Spousal and child support are often contentious issues that couples find difficult to settle amicably. A family law attorney can advise you on the best approach to resolve the issues. They will help to fight to ensure the best outcome for you.
A family law attorney will gather information to support your case. This includes healthcare expenses of the children, accurate income reports, household expenses related to the children and much more.

Pre and postnuptial agreements

Many couples sign pre and postnuptial agreements. These documents outline what each party will get during or after a divorce. Family law attorneys draft these legal documents on behalf of couples. You can also hire a family lawyer to look over the agreements and determine whether it is in your best interests to enter the agreement.

Domestic violence and neglect

Family law attorneys also deal with cases of domestic abuse and neglect. An attorney may represent the victim of abuse and neglect or a person facing an accusation of domestic abuse and neglect. These attorneys can help in obtaining restraining orders to help protect clients. They can also help their clients in battling false accusations of domestic violence and neglect.
Domestic violence and neglect issues are often very sensitive, especially when they involve children. The involvement of an experienced family lawyer will help ensure that these sensitive issues are handled properly.


Family lawyers also serve families during times of great joy such as in the case of adoptions. A family attorney will guide your family through the adoption process. They will help you navigate the system and help you speed up the process. They will also do all the paperwork to ensure that you meet all legal requirements.
In case anything goes wrong during the adoption process, your family lawyer will step in to help get things back on track. An experienced attorney will help you cut through the red tape and make the adoption process less stressful.

Estates and wills

Having a will is important for securing the future of your loved ones in the event that you die. A will outlines how your property should be managed and distributed when you die. A family lawyer can help you draft this legal document. Your attorney will also help ensure that your will is executed as outlined. Family attorneys can also assist in disputes involving estates.

Do you need a family law attorney in Omaha, Nebraska? Get in touch with us. We’d be happy to assist you.