Shakil Malik

Shakil Malik grew up in Central Illinois and suburban Minneapolis. He has been a resident of Omaha since 2008.
Shakil has more than a decade of experience in a variety of areas of legal practice. Shakil worked for the Douglas County Attorney’s Office for 10 years. During that time, he practiced in the County, District, and Juvenile Courts of Douglas County, Nebraska. He also handled cases in the Nebraska Supreme Court and Court of Appeals. Shakil also has experience with various state administrative tribunals and has spent time practicing in Nebraska’s federal District Court.
Shakil has a passion for learning about broad variety of legal issues and enjoys sharing that knowledge with others. Shakil has taught a number of continuing legal education seminars on topics such as juvenile justice, legislation, public contracting, and electronic discovery.
Shakil has served on numerous legal committees and boards. He currently serves as Treasurer of the Nebraska State Bar Association Government Practice Section as well as a member of the Association’s Practice and Procedure Committee.
When not assisting people with their legal issues, Shakil enjoys frequenting Omaha’s great restaurants, attending local entertainment events, and traveling.