Semi-truck Drivers and Brain Injuries

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August 17, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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Being out on the open road with miles ahead of you can be relaxing. Driving a semi-truck can be a fulfilling job. However, it comes with many risks. Spending hours at a time behind the wheel of a large vehicle puts you at great risk of being involved in an accident. When this happens, drivers can suffer a wide range of injuries.

Brain injuries are a common injury suffered by semi-truck drivers following an accident. Below, we discuss some of the most common brain injuries truck drivers suffer and why they should seek the services of a workers compensation attorney.

Types of Brain Injuries Semi-Truck Drivers Suffer

  1. Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI)

These are a broad category of brain injuries that are caused by sudden trauma to the head. These injuries can range from mild concussions which take anything from a few days to a few weeks to heal to severe traumatic brain injuries which can cause long term cognitive and physical impairments.

  1. Concussions

These are a type of traumatic brain injury. They occur when the brain is injured as a result of a blow to the head or a sudden jolt of the head. Concussions are a mild traumatic brain injury that can result in temporary loss of consciousness, memory problems, confusion and other cognitive issues. While it is a mild injury, it is important to seek immediate medical care in order to avoid complications.

  1. Cerebral contusions

These are injuries that occur as a result of the bruising of the brain tissue. These injuries occur when there is direct impact to the brain leading to damage of the brain tissue. This injury is severe and can cause bleeding in the brain, swelling and disruption of normal brain function.

  1. Hematoma

A hematoma occurs when blood collects outside the blood vessel. This occurs after a brain injury that causes damage to the blood vessels and other brain tissues. A subdural hematoma occurs between the brain and the protective layer around the brain (the dura mater). An epidural hematoma occurs when the bleeding results in collection of blood between the dura mater and the skull.

  1. Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)

These are brain injuries that are a result of damage to the brain’s axon of nerve fibers. This type of damage occurs when rapid rotational or deceleration forces are applied. For example, these forces can be experienced in a high speed accident. This injury is a catastrophic injury. It results in permanent and significant neurological and cognitive deficits.

  1. Penetrating brain injuries

These are the most severe type of brain injuries that semi-truck drivers suffer. These injuries occur when a foreign object penetrates the skull and enters the brain. The damage to the brain tissue is permanent. The penetration of the object into the brain results in localized damage and can also cause cognitive impairments.

  1. Anoxic brain injuries

These occur as a result of reduced oxygen supply to the brain. Lack of oxygen supply to the brain can result In damage to the brain’s tissues. This can lead to cognitive deficits.

Hire a Worker’s Compensation Attorney

If you or your loved one is a semi-truck driver that has been injured in an accident while on the job, we strongly advise you to hire a workers compensation attorney as soon as possible. Working with a legal professional to recover compensation offers many benefits including:

  1. Understanding of complex laws

Workers comp laws can be quite complex. They also vary from state to state. Semi-truck drivers are not only subject to state laws but also to federal laws. Working with an experienced attorney will help you navigate these laws. Your attorney will work to protect your rights and ensure that you receive the compensation that you are entitled to.

  1. Maximizing benefits

As a semi-truck driver with little or no experience with workers compensation processes, you probably won’t know what fair compensation ought to be in your case. An experienced attorney can help you maximize your benefits. They will review your case to determine the benefits that you are eligible to recover under the law. They will also help you explore all the options for compensation available to you.

  1. Help with documentation

Experienced attorneys and their teams are skilled at preparing and filing workers comp claims. They will ensure that your claim is filed accurately and on time. They can gather the necessary medical evidence, documentation and other information needed to support the claim and increase the chances of your claim being approved.

  1. Peace of mind

Working with an experienced professional will provide you with peace of mind. You can leave the stress of pursuing the claim to your attorney while you focus on recovery.

Have you been injured in a semi-truck accident? Contact our law firm to schedule free consultation with an experienced workers compensation attorney.

Semi-truck Drivers and Brain Injuries

Semi-truck Drivers and Brain Injuries