Semi-truck Drivers and Back Injuries

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August 22, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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Being a semi-truck driver can be a risky job. Spending hours on the road puts you at significantly higher risk of being injured in a motor vehicle accident. This is made worse by the size and weight of the semi-truck. Because these trucks are so large and heavy, they are more difficult to control. The force on impact in a collision involving a semi-truck is also much greater than in an accident that only involves passenger vehicles.

Semi-truck drivers suffer a wide range of injuries when involved in a collision. Back injuries are particularly common amongst semi-truck drivers. This is because the back is not designed to allow a wide range of motion. It is also not designed to absorb the severe shock that comes from the impact of a truck accident. Any blow to the back can therefore result in a lot of pain and lifelong impairment. Below, we discuss some of the most common types of back injuries that semi-truck drivers suffer.

  1. Muscle strains

Muscle strains occur as a result of overloading the muscles. This can occur from overuse or staying in one position for too long. Semi-truck drivers suffer muscle stains as a result of sitting for prolonged periods. They also suffer muscle strains from other activities such as loading and unloading cargo. Lifting heavy goods can cause strains in the lower back for example.

Muscle strains can be chronic injuries. They can also be acute injuries resulting from a tear for example. It is much harder to prove that a chronic injury is the result of continued strain of work tasks. It is therefore advisable to seek the guidance and representation of a workers compensation attorney when seeking compensation for work related injuries.

  1. Herniated disc

Semi-truck drivers travel long distances over various types of terrain. The journey isn’t always smooth. When they hit roads with uneven surfaces, their backs suffer a tremendous deal. The shock of the vibrations while driving over these surfaces contributes to spinal disc herniation. This occurs when the soft inner core of the spinal disc pushes through the tougher outer lawyer. This can cause tremendous pain, numbness and weakness in the legs or feet.

This type of injury often occurs over time. When it occurs it is often impossible for the semi-truck driver to return to their work activities in the same capacity. There are even cases where the herniation has resulted in loss of bladder or bowel control, muscle weakness and lasting pain in the lower limbs. Seeking workers comp is even more important when facing the possibility of not being able to return to work.

  1. Spinal compression or spinal stenosis

Spinal compression occurs gradually as the spaces between the vertebrae in the spinal column begin to narrow. This places pressure on the nerves and can result in chronic pain and inflammation. It can also result in numbness. Spinal stenosis is often a result of repetitive movements. It can also occur as a result of aging. In the case of semi-truck drivers, spinal compression can occur as a result of the repetitive jarring and vibrations experienced while driving a truck for extended periods. It can also occur as a result of a traumatic accident. The jarring can also result in weakening of the vertebrae and thus cause osteoporosis.

  1. Spinal cord injuries

Spinal cord injuries are catastrophic injuries. These injuries can occur as a result of a truck accident. Semi-truck drivers that suffer spinal cord injuries may lose sensation and movement below the location of the spinal cord injury. For example, a driver may lose movement in the legs. This will mean that they cannot return to work.

Spinal cord injuries are life-altering injuries. Not only will the semi-truck driver not return to work but they may also require lifelong care. They may also have to undergo repeated treatment. This can prove to be costly. Seeking compensation is vital for the economic stability of the driver and their loved ones.

  1. Sciatica

This is a condition that occurs as a result of compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. This is the nerve that runs from the lower back down to the back of each leg. Compression or irritation of the nerve can result from sitting for prolonged periods, trauma in a truck accident or other trauma that causes the vertebrae to squeeze the nerve. The injury can result in sharp, shooting pain, numbness or tingling in the legs. This injury can prevent drivers from ever being able to return to work.

Discuss Your Case with an Experienced Workman’s Compensation Lawyer

Neck and back injuries can have life-altering consequences. We recommend contacting an experienced workers compensation attorney as soon as possible after your accident or the discovery of your injury. Working with a seasoned attorney will greatly improve the outcome of your workers comp claim.

Semi-truck Drivers and Back Injuries

Semi-truck Drivers and Back Injuries