Amputation Caused By a Work Accident – Omaha NE
July 20, 2023 | Workers' compensation
Workplace accidents can occur at any time and affect anyone. Amputations are an example of a catastrophic workplace accident. These accidents result in permanent damage to the body and are often life-altering. An amputation can result in you not being able to return to work or make a living in any other way. Below, we discuss common workplace amputations and why you should hire an attorney after suffering an amputation accident at work.
Types of Amputations Caused By Work Accidents
Amputations can occur as a direct cause of the accident. They can also be the result of a medical decision made in order to save the life of the victim. Common types of amputations that can occur in the workplace include:
- Amputation of a finger
These are amongst the most frequent type of amputation that occurs in the workplace. They are especially common in industries where there are large machinery or where tools such as saws and conveyors are used often.
- Amputation of a toe or ankle
These amputations are also quite common in workplaces. They may occur as a result of the use of heavy machinery or industrial equipment. They can also occur as a result of the use of vehicles. These amputations are common in industrial settings, the transport industry as well as agricultural environments.
- Amputation of the hand or wrist
These often involve industrial equipment, heavy machinery or defective equipment. They can also occur as a result of improper use of tools. The amputations may be partial or complete.
- Amputation of the leg
These are serious injuries that often involve heavy vehicles, heavy machinery as well as industrial equipment. These amputations often occur when workers get caught in machinery or get in the way of a moving vehicle. Workers that suffer these injuries are often not able to return to work in the same capacity as they did previously.
- Arm amputations
These also often involve large machinery such as conveyor belts. They may affect the entire arm or a section of the arm. Victims that suffer these injuries often aren’t able to return to work in the same capacity as they did previously.
Why You Should Hire an Attorney After a Workplace Amputation Accident
Workplace amputations can vary in severity. However, they all result in permanent changes. They are therefore categorized as catastrophic. Some amputations have a significant impact on the individual’s life while others result in change that can be managed. For example, some amputees aren’t able to return to work while others are able to return in a different capacity.
If you or a loved one has suffered an amputation injury while at work or while carrying out work-related tasks, it is vital that you seek compensation for your injuries. You can do this by pursuing workers’ compensation. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may also be able to pursue compensation through a third party claim. Below we discuss the benefits of hiring an experienced attorney when pursuing compensation for an amputation accident that occurred at work.
- Explore all options available to you
With an experienced attorney working to help you recover compensation, you can explore all the options for recovering compensation that are available to you. Your attorney will review your case and determine the best approach to take to maximize your financial recovery.
- Negotiations
Recovering compensation involves negotiating with insurance companies for a settlement. This can be difficult if you don’t have experience facing insurance companies. Their representatives will do what they can to intimidate you into accepting a low offer or even dropping the claim. Hiring an attorney evens out the playing field. They will not be intimidated by the insurance company’s tricks. They will fight to recover just compensation on your behalf.
- Investigation
While worker’s compensation is a no-fault system, you will need to provide evidence to support your claim if you intend to file a third party lawsuit. An attorney can help you build a strong case. They will investigate your case to recover evidence to support your claim. They have access to resources that will be useful in winning your claim.
- Representation at trial
In many instances, personal injury cases end with an out-of-court settlement. However, when there are disputes or a reasonable settlement cannot be reached out of court, the case proceeds to court. An experienced attorney will represent you at trial and argue your case on your behalf. They will fight to get the best possible outcome in the case.
With the help of an experienced attorney you can ensure that you recover just compensation for your injuries. Contact our law firm to speak with an experienced attorney and learn about your rights and the options available to you. We’d be glad to help.

Amputation Caused By a Work Accident – Omaha NE