Getting the Run-Around from an Insurance Company?

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July 18, 2023 | Insurance Disputes

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Have you been injured in an accident? Fortunately, you can recover compensation by filing an insurance claim. Insurance is designed to provide a financial cushion for accident victims. By filing an insurance claim, you can recover compensation for damages resulting from the accident including lost wages, medical expenses and property damage.

However, insurance companies aren’t always willing to pay insurance claims. This is true even for legitimate insurance claims. Insurance companies, like other businesses, will do all they can to protect their income. They will therefore do all that they can to avoid paying your claim.

Tricks Insurance Companies Use to Avoid Paying Insurance Claims

Insurance agents are rewarded by their companies for minimizing the amount that the company has to pay out in insurance claims. They therefore use various tricks to save their company money. Some of these tricks are discussed below:

  1. Delaying the claim

Many accident victims are under tremendous economic pressure as a result of the accident and their injuries. They are faced with the pressure of medical bills, not being able to work during their recovery and much more. They would therefore prefer to recover compensation sooner rather than later. Insurance companies know this. They will therefore drag out the process for as long as they can. They do this with the hope that you will give up the claim completely or accept a low offer to get the case over and done with.

  1. Offering quick and low settlements

When you file your insurance claim, you will most likely be contacted by an insurance adjuster quickly. Insurance adjusters are quick to make offers to claimants in the hope that you will accept a quick and low settlement. However, settling your claim quickly is not in your best interests.  You will not have considered damages such as future medical bills. It is important to take the time to consult an experienced attorney and ensure that all factors are considered before agreeing on a settlement.

  1. Confusing the contract deliberately

Insurance companies know that many people don’t read their contracts in full before signing them. Even those that do aren’t likely to understand the legal jargon included in the contract. Insurance companies use this to their advantage. They will use clauses that you may not have been aware of to deny your claim or minimize the pay out.

  1. Spying on you

Insurance companies are willing to use any means to minimize their losses. This includes hiring private investigators or keeping tabs on you. For example, the insurance provider may keep track of your social media pages and use any information you post as a reason to deny your claim. They will look for any posts that are contradictory to your claim such as a post of you enjoying dinner with family when you claimed that you were injured and confined to bed.

  1. Telling outright lies

There are some cases when the insurance company will resort to telling outright lies to get you to drop your claim or to accept a low offer. For example, they may tell you that if you don’t accept a low offer, you may never receive a different offer from the company. They may even tell you that you don’t need an attorney for your claim.

How Hiring an Attorney Can Help?

If you’re filing for compensation through an insurance claim, you should consider hiring an experienced attorney to represent and guide you. There are many ways that an experienced attorney can help.

  1. They will handle all communication with the insurance company

Dealing with the stress of an injury as well as the economic pressures following an accident isn’t easy. The last thing you want to do is to have to deal with insurance agents. When you hire an attorney, you don’t have to worry about this. Your attorney will handle all communication with the insurance company so you can focus on your recovery and getting your life back on track.

  1. They will advise you and protect your best interests

Unless you have experience with insurance claims, you most likely don’t understand the process as well as the laws and regulations surrounding insurance claims. You may not even know what your legal rights are. Working with an experienced attorney will ensure that your rights and best interests are protected. They will explain your situation to you as well as your rights. They will guide you in making decisions and devise a suitable strategy for recovering compensation in your case.

  1. They will fight on your behalf

An attorney will fight aggressively on your behalf to recover compensation. They will not be intimidated by the insurance company or be taken in by their tricks. You will have a better chance of recovering compensation when you hire an attorney.

Contact us to schedule free consultation and learn about how we can help.

Getting the Run-Around from an Insurance Company?

Getting the Run-Around from an Insurance Company?