10 Simple pieces of life advice from you friendly neighborhood lawyer.
July 10, 2019 | General
Below are 10 simple pieces of life advice from us to you. These are things that we have learned through our own lives and by our observations of the lives of others both personally and professionally. If you understand them and follow them hopefully life will be a bit easier.
- Be a reasonable person. In the world and the civil tort law the standard upon which judgment is made is “what would a reasonable person do?”.
- Act responsibly.
- Keep your word. Your word is your bond and for you to break it will hurt your credibility with whomever you are dealing with.
- If you must justify an action you are probably taking the wrong action.
- Occam’s Razor, the simplest explanation is usually the correct explanation.
- Remember the Golden Rule, treat others how you wish to be treated. If you put good out people will treat you well in response. However, if you are crude, rude, and inappropriate do not be surprised when that is the way you are treated by others.
- Know that in this day and age nothing stays a secret, people will always find out. If you don’t want people to know then do not do or say whatever it is. You are under a microscope, every text message, video, photo, social media post, and action is recorded and can be used against you in the court of law and in your life. Just because you delete it does not mean it is gone. You are on trial every day and so is your credibility. You never know when you are going to encounter a situation personal, legal, civil or criminal that will put you in court where you will be judged by your peers or a judge. Those messages you sent, things you posted, and impressions you made can be used against you, whether you did it yesterday, last week, last month, last year, or years ago.
- Time is a precious commodity; it is finite, you cannot get it back. Be wise about where and on whom you invest your time. Do not waste your time on negativity spend it being fulfilled and happy.
- You are who you surround yourself with, you are a part of that group. The actions and traits of those with whom you associate yourself will be imputed upon you.
- Accidents happen, people get hurt, relationships breakdown, things don’t always go right, life is not far. This is nothing to be surprised by, angered by, or ashamed of. Life will continue make the best of it.
This is not necessarily legal advice however should you find yourself in a legal situation it may help you obtain a more fruitful result.
