Tractor-Trailer Accident Lawyer in Nebraska
February 8, 2023 | Accidents
Reports by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) show that tractor-trailers or 18-wheeler trucks make up only 4 percent of the vehicles registered in the country. However, they are responsible for 8 percent of all fatal accidents that occur annually. Accidents involving large trucks are often catastrophic. This is because these trucks are much larger and heavier than the average sized passenger vehicle.
So why do truck accidents happen? What are the causes of these catastrophic accidents involving tractor-trailers? Below, we discuss some of the most common causes of tractor-trailer accidents.
- Driver fatigue
This is one of the leading causes of tractor-trailer accidents. Tractor-trailer drivers often work for long hours. They may do so in order to meet company deadlines or in order to increase their income by making more trips. Whatever the case may be, sleep deprivation and fatigue can result in lack of focus, impaired reflexes and even falling asleep at the wheel. Drivers may lose control of their vehicles or be unable to respond quickly enough in times of emergency.
- Mechanical problems
Another common cause of tractor-trailer accidents is mechanical problems in the tractor-trailer. Tractor-trailers are vehicles that often carry heavy loads and traverse hundreds of miles every year. They are therefore prone to wear and tear. Truck drivers and trucking companies are required to ensure that their trucks are in good condition prior to hitting the road. However, many do not pay attention to routine care and maintenance of their tractor-trailers. This results in mechanical issues that can pose a major risk.
Mechanical problems may also occur as a result of faulty parts. These may be faults that occurred during the manufacture and assembly of the tractor-trailer or due to the use of substandard products by the maintenance company. Faulty parts can result in mechanical failure and therefore be dangerous.
Some of the most common tractor-trailer mechanical problems that result in accidents include faulty braking systems, faulty steering systems, cracked windshields, transmission failure and faulty suspension.
- Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Because of the size and risks involved in operating a tractor-trailer, standards of intoxication for tractor-trailer drivers are considerably stricter than for other truck drivers. However, many tractor-trailer drivers still drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Drivers that are intoxicated are impaired. They are unable to make wise judgements or react in good time when faced by hazardous conditions on the road. Some truck drivers ingest drugs with stimulating effects in order to stay awake and therefore drive for longer hours. However, these drugs have other undesirable side effects such as hallucinations, vertigo and irritation. These can result in driving errors that may cause an accident.
- Improper loading of cargo
Tractor-trailers are designed to transport large volumes of cargo as well as heavy cargo. However, these vehicles have limits for the weight and size of cargo they can carry. These capacity limits are set in order to ensure safe operation of the tractor-trailer. When these limits are exceeded, it becomes harder for tractor-trailer drivers to handle their vehicles. They may lose control of their vehicles and cause an accident.
It is also important for cargo to be loaded and secured properly. If the cargo is unbalanced or shifts while being transported, it can result in the driver losing control of the vehicle and causing an accident.
- Poor road conditions
There are instances where tractor-trailer accidents are caused by external conditions. Poor road conditions such as loose road surfaces, ice or large holes are dangerous. They can cause tractor-trailer drivers to lose control of their vehicles and thus cause an accident.
If poor road conditions that caused a tractor-trailer accident were the result of poor maintenance, you may be able to hold the government liable for your accident.
- Poor weather
Tractor-trailer drivers are often forced to work under poor weather conditions. Poor weather conditions such as heavy rainfall, heavy snowfall, storms and flooding can be dangerous to drive in. Drivers may face dangerous conditions such as poor visibility or slippery road surfaces. Drivers may not be able to react in good time or may lose control of their vehicles.
It is best to avoid driving under bad weather conditions. However, drivers may be forced to drive under these dangerous conditions in order to meet deadlines.
Who is Liable for Tractor-Trailer Accidents?
Tractor-trailer accidents are often catastrophic. The losses are often great in these accidents. It is more important than ever to determine who to hold liable and pursue maximum compensation. In many cases, more than one party can be held liable for a tractor-trailer accident. Some of the most common parties responsible for these accidents include:
- Truck drivers
- Truck companies
- Clients
- Maintenance companies
- Truck manufacturers or manufacturers of parts
- The government
Contact us to schedule a free consultation with a tractor-trailer accident lawyer in Nebraska to discuss the details of your accident and determine the best approach to take in seeking compensation.

Tractor-trailer Accident Lawyer Nebraska