Workers Comp Claim for Wrongful Death Nebraska

We Answer your questions about the law

1. What is the political subdivision Tort Claims Act and should I care?

2. How long will my personal injury claim or lawsuit take? Omaha, NE

3. Should I take an insurance company’s first offer? Omaha, NE

4. What is maximum medical improvement? Omaha, NE

5. What is my workers’ compensation claim worth? Omaha, NE

6. Can a child custody order be modified? Omaha, NE

7. How long do I have to bring a personal injury claim to court?

8. What if the workers' compensation accident was my fault? Omaha, NE

9. Why do I need a lawyer for my divorce? Omaha, NE

10. What kind of insurance coverage is available in Nebraska personal injury case? Omaha, NE

11. What can a Nebraska worker's compensation attorney do for me? Omaha, NE

12. How do we divide assets in a divorce? Omaha, NE

13. Why should I consult an attorney for my personal injury case?

14. How is child custody determined in Nebraska?

15. Do I need a lawyer for my DUI? - Omaha NE

16. What are the steps in a personal injury case?

17. What is the workers' compensation process in Nebraska?

18. How is child support calculated in Nebraska?

19. What are the penalties for a first offense DUI in Omaha NE - DUI Attorneys

20. What benefits can I receive in a workers compensation case? Omaha NE

21. What do you do when you're hurt at work?

22. What do I do if I'm involved in a car accident?

23. Who pays for the medical bills when I've been in an accident?

24. What does the divorce process entail? Omaha, NE

25. How will a DUI affect my license? Omaha NE

26. What is a Subrogation Claim?

27. What Is A Settlement?

28. Qué es el Seguro de Compensación de Trabajadores?

February 10, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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Losing a loved one under any circumstances is never an easy thing to accept. However, risks of injuries and death are everywhere around us. There are however, some workers that are under higher risk of losing their lives as a result of workplace injuries. Below we discuss some types of jobs that place workers at highest risk of wrongful death while on the job.

In addition to dangerous jobs, if you have a loved one who suffered a wrongful death while on the job, a workers’ compensation wrongful death claim may provide some help.  Survivors of workers that have died as a result of injuries in work-related accidents can seek compensation for their losses by filing a wrongful death claim against the third party whose negligence resulted in the accident that caused the death of your loved one.

While financial compensation cannot bring back your loved one or replace them, it can help to ease the financial burden caused by the death of your loved one. Contact our law firm to schedule consultation with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney and learn about your rights and options.

The Most Dangerous Jobs

  •         Truck drivers

Truck drivers are at high risk of being involved in accidents while on the road. The size and weight of their vehicles means that the force upon an impact is much higher than if the accident only involved a small passenger vehicle. Accidents often occur as a result of driver fatigue as truck drivers are often forced to drive for hours on end. Some drivers rely on drugs to keep them awake and alert. However, these have side effects that can also result in accidents.

  •         Construction

Construction sites are inherently dangerous environments. Site owners and managers equip workers with safety equipment and provide safety rules to ensure a reasonably safe environment. However, accidents still occur on construction sites. These accidents can cause serious injuries that result in the death of the injured worker. The most common types of fatal accidents that occur on construction sites include falls from height, crushing by heavy objects such as beams and accidents involving heavy machinery such as bulldozers.

  •         Electricians

Working with electricity puts electricians at risk of electrocution all the time. Electricians receive comprehensive training to ensure the safe handling of electronic components and the prevention of electrocutions. However, accidents still do occur. Fatal accidents that occur to electricians are often the result of electrocution by high voltage live wires, falls from height as well as severe burn injuries.

  •         Roofers

Roofers work at great height. The risk of falling from height and suffering serious injuries is high. Roofers are also at risk of being injured as a result of the use of faulty equipment such as faulty ladders or getting tangled on cords. Roofers must receive the right training to carry out their tasks safely. They should also be provided with safety equipment to prevent injuries or reduce the severity of injuries.

  •         Pilots

Pilots not only work on irregular schedules but also under dangerous conditions. Operating an aircraft while fatigued can have disastrous consequences. Pilots may also encounter dangerous conditions such as storms or slippery landing surfaces. These can result in fatal accidents.

  •         Public transportation

Workers in the public transportation industry are always at risk of being involved in an accident. They can also be injured as a result of malfunctioning heavy machinery such as in a workshop. Many of these workers work for long hours operating large and heavy vehicles. This can result in fatigue and serious accidents.

  •         Commercial fishing

Those that work on commercial fishing boats are at the highest risk of serious injuries that result in death. This is because they are exposed to dangerous conditions night and day. From dangerous equipment onboard to the fishing boat to extreme weather conditions as well as the physical demands of the job, serious accidents can occur at any moment. The risks associated with injuries suffered on these boats are heightened because of lack of access to proper health care facilities and emergency medical care.

  •         Loggers

The logging industry, just as the construction industry, presents workers with a dangerous environment in which to work. The risk of suffering a serious injury resulting in death is high. Deaths can occurs as a result of being struck by a heavy object such as log or being injured in an accident involving heavy machinery. The dangers associated with injuries that occur at logging sites is heightened by the fact that these sites are remote and not easily accessible. Emergency medical care is therefore often not available.

Seeking Compensation for a Wrongful Death in the Workplace

Losing a loved one as a result of a workplace accident can be devastating. It will also have a big impact on the financial stability of your family especially if the worker was the primary breadwinner of the family. It is therefore important to seek compensation for your loss and secure the financial future of your family.

Contact us at 402-933-3345 for help!

Workers Comp Claim Wrongful Death Nebraska

Workers Comp Claim Wrongful Death Nebraska