Semi-Truck Accidents Due to Winter Weather and Distracted Driving

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January 9, 2024 | Accidents

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Snowfall in winter sets a beautiful scene with white carpets of snow. However, great danger lies behind the falling snow and freezing temperatures. The risk of semi-truck accidents is much higher in winter than at any other time of the year. When these accidents occur, the aftermath is often harrowing. Not only do the victims have to deal with the immediate emotional and physical toll of the accident but also with the complexities of navigating commercial insurance coverage while seeking compensation for their damages. In this blog, we take a look at winter semi-truck accidents and the specific challenges victims and their families face when seeking compensation.

Winter and Distracted Driving – A Deadly Combination

There are many reasons why winter and distracted driving present risks for drivers especially when combined.

  • Slippery roads

Icy roads present a host of challenges to drivers on the road. Semi-trucks which require longer stopping distances and greater maneuvering capabilities under normal conditions are even harder to control and bring to a stop when roads are icy and slippery.

  • Reduced visibility

Longer hours of darkness and foggy conditions diminish visibility for drivers. Semi-truck drivers are more likely to be involved in accidents when their ability to see is reduced.

  • Reduced reaction time

When semi-truck drivers are distracted, for example when fidgeting with their radios or texting on their phones, their reaction time is reduced. This in combination with other risk factors that winter weather presents increases the likelihood of a catastrophic accident.

Challenges Faced By Accident Victims of Semi-Truck Accidents in Seeking Compensation

The aftermath of a semi-truck accident can be devastating. As if dealing with the trauma and devastation of the accident wasn’t enough, accident victims also have to face the complexities that come with seeking compensation from commercial insurance providers. These are outlined below.

  1. Higher coverage limits often result in greater challenges

Insurance adjusters representing commercial carriers often engage in tactics that can be described as playing games. This is especially true when they are confronted with claims involving higher coverage limits. They may use tactics such as delaying the claims process, intimidating the victim or trying to rush them into accepting low ball offers in order to reduce the insurance company’s losses.

  1. Liability disputes

In order to recover compensation for damages in a semi-truck accident, victims must prove liability. This can be complex in a semi-truck accident especially since there are multiple parties involved. Insurance adjusters will more than likely dispute liability even in cases where the negligence of the semi-truck driver is evident. This can lead to prolonged legal battles and increased stress for the victims and their families. Insurance adjusters exploit the ambiguity in the claims process to avoid paying out the full extent of damages.

  1. Red-tape

Commercial insurance companies often have complex claims processes. These processes often involve a lot of paperwork and red tape. It can be difficult for accident victims to meet all the requirements and follow the processes as required. Insurance companies take advantage of even the simplest mistake to deny victims their rightful compensation. The red-tape involved in these processes can also be quite frustrating for accident victims. Some become frustrated and give up on pursuing compensation or end up accepting lower compensation that they deserve.

  1. Complex laws

Semi-truck drivers and trucking companies are subjected not just to state traffic laws but also federal laws. Without a clear understanding of the laws that are involved, it can be difficult for accident victims or their families to pursue compensation. Insurance adjusters take advantage of this lack of knowledge to intimidate victims or trick them into taking lower settlements.

  1. Downplaying of injuries

Winter conditions in combination with distracted driving often result in accidents that cause catastrophic injuries. However, insurance adjusters often attempt to minimize the impact of these injuries. They undermine the true extent of the victim’s suffering and attempt to justify lower compensation offers. Victims may also not understand the full impact of their injuries. They may not consider the long term impact and not include this in determining how much to pursue as compensation.

Seek Professional Legal Counsel

Seeking compensation following a semi-truck accident can be overwhelming. Commercial insurance providers often aren’t willing to pay the price on behalf of those they represent. The challenges of seeking compensation are both numerous and complex. It helps to have the guidance and representation of an experienced attorney on your side.

Experienced attorneys have an in-depth understanding of the law. They also have an understanding of the laws that govern the freight industry. These attorneys have experience seeking compensation from commercial insurance providers. They understand the tricks that insurance adjusters use to avoid paying insurance. They will know exactly what to do to maximize your compensation.

Contact our law firm today to schedule free consultation with an experienced attorney and learn more about how we can help.

Semi-truck Accidents

Semi-truck Accidents