Spinal Cord Injury from an Omaha Car Accident

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January 4, 2024 | Accidents

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Car accidents often occur in a split second. However, the victims of these accidents have to deal with the consequences of the accident for weeks or even months thereafter. In cases where car accident victims suffer catastrophic injuries, they are forced to live with the life-altering consequences of the accident for the rest of their lives. The spinal cord, a crucial component of the central nervous system, is especially vulnerable to trauma during a car collision. Recovering compensation following a car accident that has resulted in a spinal cord injury is crucial for the financial security of the victim and their family. Below we discuss the types of spinal cord injuries that can occur as a result of car accidents and why it is vital that accident victims and their families seek legal counsel as soon as possible after the accident.

Types of Spinal Cord Injuries That Can be Caused By Car Accidents

  1. Whiplash injuries

Whiplash is a common injury that occurs in car accidents. It is particularly common in rear-end collisions. Whiplash often only affects the soft tissues in the neck. However, in severe cases it can result in damage to the spinal cord. It is the result of sudden and forceful back and forth movement of the neck during a collision. When the force is great, fractures or dislocations of the vertebrae in the neck can occur.

  1. Compression fractures

Compression fractures occur when the vertebrae in the spine collapse or are compressed. This occurs when the force exerted during the accident is high resulting in fractures. Victims experience pain, loss of sensation or paralysis depending on the severity and location of the fracture.

  1. Herniated discs

The impact of a car accident can cause the discus between the vertebrae to rupture or bulge. This occurs as a result of the discs been pressed by the vertebrae. The bulging discs can place a lot of pressure on nerves leaving the spinal cord resulting in irritation, inflammation and pain. In severe cases, the herniated discs can press against the spinal cord and cause spinal compression. Herniated discs can affect various regions around the spine resulting in a wide range of neurological symptoms.

  1. Spinal cord contusions

Contusions refer to bleeding or bruising of the spinal cord tissue. These injuries often occur when a car accident occurs at high velocity. The great force of the collision results in damage to the bony structures of the spine, resulting in contusions. These injuries may lead to swelling and interfere with the normal functioning of the spinal cord, potentially causing long-term damage.

  1. Severing of the spinal cord

These are the most severe types of spinal cord injuries. Severing of the spinal cord can be partial or complete. These injuries result in loss of sensation, movement or function in the parts of the body below the site of injury.

Why You Should Seek Legal Help Early

If you or a loved one has suffered a spinal cord injury in a car accident, it is vital that you seek the guidance and representation of an experienced attorney as soon as possible. An experienced attorney will help you:

  1. Access the medical treatment needed

Spinal cord injuries require prompt medical intervention. Seeking legal help early ensures that you or your injured loved one can access the necessary medical care without delay. Early intervention can significantly improve the prognosis and rehabilitation prospects for individuals with spinal cord injuries.

  1. Navigate the complex insurance claims process

Car accidents resulting in catastrophic injuries such as spinal cord injuries can be especially complex. Legal assistance can help you and your loved ones navigate the intricacies of filing insurance claims and seeking compensation for medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost wages and other damages. Your lawyer will advocate for your rights and negotiate for just compensation. They will also help to speed up the claims process so you can access the funds you need faster.

  1. Preserve evidence

Evidence is vital for proving your claim. Time is crucial when it comes to preserving evidence related to a car accident. Seek legal counsel early allows for the preservation of critical evidence such as accident reports, witness statements and medical records. This evidence will be instrumental in building a strong case on your behalf.

  1. Determine liability

Establishing liability is a key aspect of securing compensation for spinal cord injuries. Hiring an experienced attorney early will allow them adequate time to conduct a thorough investigation and determine liability. They will gather the evidence needed to prove which party was responsible for the accident and hold them liable.

Spinal cord injuries can have lasting effects on the lives of the victims. Seeking compensation is vital for the financial security of the victim and their loved ones. By engaging legal assistance promptly, car accident victims can navigate the complexities of the legal system and work towards securing the compensation they deserve.

Spinal Cord Injury from an Omaha Car Accident

Spinal Cord Injury from an Omaha Car Accident