The Serious Injuries Semi-Truck Drivers Face Every Day

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August 24, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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Semi-truck drivers spend hours at a time behind the wheel. They are not only exposed to the risk of injury while driving but also while performing other duties in their workplace. Below, we take a closer look at some serious injuries semi-truck drivers commonly suffer.

Common Serious Injuries Semi-Truck Drivers Suffer

  1. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)

This term is used to encompass a wide range of brain injuries that occur as a result of trauma to the brain. These injuries can range from mild concussions that heal in a couple of weeks to more severe injuries that have permanent effects. TBIs can occur when semi-truck drivers are involved in motor vehicle accidents such as collisions and rollovers. They can also occur as a result of an object striking the head such as in the case of a falling object.

  1. Spinal cord injuries

These are injuries that affect the spinal cord. These injuries are often catastrophic. They can occur as a result of high-impact accidents. Spinal cord injuries can lead to paralysis, loss of sensation or even mobility impairments. Injuries to the back of the head or neck can result in disability and chronic pain.

  1. Broken bones and fractures

Traumatic accidents can result in the breaking of bones as well as bone fractures. It isn’t uncommon for truck drivers to suffer broken ribs, pelvis or limbs. Fractures often heal after a few weeks or months of rest. However, this depends on the location of the fracture and the type of fracture suffered. Broken bones may require more time to heal as well as more intensive treatment. These injuries may require surgery and extended recovery periods.

  1. Damage to internal organs

Vehicle collisions can result in damage to internal organs such as the spleen, lungs, kidneys and liver. The injuries can be a result of a sudden stop or trauma from the impact of the collision. Internal organ damage can also occur when a foreign object penetrates the body and causes damage to the organs. Internal organ damage injuries are often life threatening. It is vital that immediate treatment be sought for these injuries.

  1. Amputation

These are catastrophic injuries. In many instances, depending on the type of amputation suffered, the truck driver is unable to return to driving trucks. Amputations can involve the loss of a limb such as leg or arm. They can also involve the loss of digits such as fingers or toes. Amputations can be a direct result of the accident. They can also be the result of a medical decision made to save the life of the injured semi-truck driver.

  1. Crush Injuries

Semi-truck drivers can suffer injuries as a result of being crushed under heavy objects. These injuries may occur as a result of a rollover accident or a collision. They can also occur also occur as a result of the heavy objects falling on the semi-truck driver for example during loading or unloading of cargo. These injuries can be catastrophic depending on the severity of the resulting injuries.

  1. Burn injuries

Semi-truck drivers are at risk of suffering burn injuries. These injuries can be the result of fires or explosions occurring during a vehicle accident. Fires and explosions can also occur in warehouses or other places where truck drivers are loading or unloading items from their vehicles.

Benefits of Hiring a Workers Compensation Attorney

If you’re a semi-truck driver and have suffered catastrophic injuries while on the job, you may be entitled to recover compensation. Working with a workers compensation attorney can help to improve the outcome of your claim. Here’s how.

  1. Workers comp lawyers are understand complex laws

Experienced attorneys understand the complexities of workers’ compensation laws. They will help you navigate the laws and therefore ensure that your rights are protected. They will work to ensure that you receive the benefits that are rightly yours.

  1. Hiring an attorney will help you maximize your benefits

Working with a workers comp attorney will help ensure that you receive the full benefits that you’re entitled to. They will not only pursue maximum compensation but also help you explore other options available for compensation.

  1. Your attorney will handle the documentation and filing of the claim

The process of filing a workers compensation claim involves a lot of documentation. The claim must be filed in accordance with various requirements. If you fail to meet these requirements, your claim may be denied. It helps to have an experienced attorney handling the documentation. They will ensure that everything is filed properly and therefore increase your chances of success.

If you’re a semi-truck driver and have suffered an injury while at work, contact our law firm to consult with an experienced workman’s compensation attorney and improve your chances of recovering full compensation for your injuries.

Serious Injuries Semi-Truck Drivers Face

Serious Injuries Semi-Truck Drivers Face