Semi-Truck Accidents Leading to Wrongful Death Lawsuits

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June 3, 2022 | Wrongful death

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Semi-trucks are an important part of the country’s economy. They transport large volumes of products throughout the country. These trucks keep us supplied with what we need. They are able to access parts of the country that can’t be accessed by rail or air. Because these trucks are large and heavy, accidents involving semi-trucks often have devastating consequences. Many semi-truck accidents result in catastrophic injuries. Some even result in death. These accidents also often result in extensive damage.

Causes of Semi-Truck Accidents

Filing a semi-truck accident claim can be complicated. This is often because various parties can be held liable for the accident. Establishing what caused the accident is therefore an important step in making a claim. When the cause of the accident is clearly established it is possible to determine what party or parties can be held liable for the accident.

Some of the most common causes of semi-truck accidents include:

  • Driver fatigue

Truck drivers work long and grueling hours. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) has established rules that limit the number of hours that semi-truck drivers can work to ensure that they do not cause accidents as a result of driver fatigue. However, truck companies as well as their customers flaunt these rules in order to make larger profits. They require drivers to work longer hours than is allowed in order to transport more and make more money. Exhausted drivers may fall asleep behind the wheel and cause an accident. Fatigue may also impair the driver’s decision making abilities or their ability to react quickly and thus cause an accident.

  • Alcohol or drug abuse

Truck drivers may indulge in alcohol or drugs and drive while intoxicated. Drug or alcohol use while driving is dangerous. They can impair the decision making abilities of the driver as well as their ability to react and act quickly.

Federal laws strictly prohibit the use of alcohol or drugs while operating semi-trucks. However, drivers may flaunt these rules as a result of addiction, poor choices or in order to keep up with a strenuous schedule set by their employer. This can result in serious consequences.

  • Overspeeding

Truck drivers often work with a schedule. They may be required to be in a certain place at a certain time. Truck drivers that are behind schedule may therefore drive at high speeds in order to stay on schedule. Speeding may also be the result of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Drivers may also be driving too fast for the weather or road conditions.

Driving a truck at high speeds can prove disastrous. Semi-trucks are heavy and large. They can be even more difficult to control when driven at high speeds. The impact of a collision with a semi-truck traveling at a high speed is large and often results in fatalities or debilitating injuries.

  • Distracted driving

Driving semi-trucks requires a great deal of concentration. Drivers need to be aware of their surroundings at all times as controlling a semi-truck requires more effort. Even the slightest distraction can result in a serious accident. However, truck drivers may seek ways to pass the time when they are driving for long hours. They may for example fidget with the radio to find music to drive to. This momentary distraction may result in an accident.

Distracted is one of the most common causes of motor vehicle accidents. It can be the result of eating while driving, day dreaming, texting or using a radio. Distraction can result in the driver failing to see a dangerous situation and therefore not being able to react on time.

  • Improper loading

Semi-trucks must be loaded properly to ensure their safe operation. Improper loading of semi-trucks may include overloading the truck, failing to load items so that the weight is evenly distributed across the truck or failing to secure the load properly. Improper loading of the truck can result in the driver losing control of the truck while driving. This may result in a serious accident.

Improper loading can be the result of inexperience, rushing to meet a deadline or even pressure from a client or the trucking company in order to make a bigger profit margin.

  • Faulty trucks

It is the responsibility of the trucking company to ensure that the semi-truck is well maintained. Regular maintenance and inspection is required to ensure that all parts of the truck are functioning at optimum. Failure to do so may result in faults that cause an accident.

Trucks may also experience failure when defective parts are used in maintenance. The maintenance crew or trucking company may have opted for cheaper parts to cut costs resulting in failure. The manufacturers of the parts may also have opted for substandard materials or have provided a defective design resulting in failure.

It is important to identify the cause of the accident. This will help you determine who can be held liable for the injuries and damages resulting from the accident. An experienced attorney will investigate your accident to determine the cause and what parties are liable. Contact us to consult with an experienced attorney.

Semi-Truck Accidents Leading to Wrongful Death Lawsuits

Semi-Truck Accidents Leading to Wrongful Death Lawsuits