Workplace Injury Claims Attorney in Omaha Nebraska
August 22, 2024 | Workers' compensation
Getting injured or suffering illness as a result of your work is probably the last thing on your mind when getting ready to head to work. While some work environments are inherently dangerous such as construction sites and mining sites, employers are required by law to provide their workers with a reasonably safe workplace. Below, we discuss workplace injury claims, what they are and why workers should seek the representation of experienced attorneys.
Understanding Workplace Injury Claims
Employers in Nebraska and throughout the country are required by law to provide workers with a reason for a safe work environment. Many employers do their best to ensure safe and healthy work conditions. This includes providing protective personal equipment such as hard hats as well as training workers in health and safety. Despite this, workplace injuries still do occur. When they do, workers can file workplace injury claims to recover workers’ compensation.
Workplace injury claims typically cover incidents such as:
- Accidents – these include accidents such as slips, trips, falls, machinery accidents and vehicle collisions.
- Repetitive stress injuries – these are injuries that occur as a result of repetitive tasks. They include carpal tunnel syndrome.
- Occupational illnesses – these are illnesses that occur as a result of continual exposure to harmful substances or conditions in the workplace. These illnesses include asbestos-related diseases and hearing loss.
- Psychological injuries – these are health issues resulting from exposure to traumatic events at work or being subjected to ongoing workplace harassment.
In order to file a workplace injury claim, the injury must have occurred at work or while the victim was engaged in work related activities. Employers in Nebraska are required by law to carry workers’ compensation insurance to cover injuries and illnesses that may affect their workers.
Workers don’t have to prove fault when filing a workers’ compensation claim. However, workers cannot file personal injury claims against their employers when they have already filed for workers’ compensation. The workers’ compensation system therefore also works to protect employers from lawsuits.
Workers also have the option of filing a third party claim. This is possible when it is determined that a third party played a role in causing the accident or conditions that resulted in the injury or illness. However, workers must prove fault in order to recover compensation. Workers can file this type of claim even after receiving workers compensation. This therefore offers workers an opportunity to maximize their financial recovery following a workplace injury.
How an Experienced Workplace Injury Claims Attorney Can Help
Navigating workplace injury claims isn’t straight forward. The legislation and processes surrounding these claims can be confusing. Working with a workplace injury attorney, such as the attorneys at High and Younes, LLC, can help to improve the outcome of your case. Here are some benefits of contacting an attorney after suffering a workplace injury.
- Access to expert legal guidance
An experienced and knowledgeable attorney will provide you with much needed guidance on the best approach to use in your case. The attorneys at High and Younes, LLC are experts in Nebraska’s workers’ compensation laws and regulations. We will explain your rights to you and the types of benefits you may be entitled to. We will guide you through the steps involved in filing your claim.
- Assistance with filing your claim
Filing a workplace injury claim involves a lot of paperwork. There are also various steps that must be adhered to in the filing process. Our experienced team is familiar with the procedural requirements of filing workplace injury claims. We will ensure all necessary documentation is accurately completed and submitted on time. We will ensure that you avoid delays or denials due to administrative errors.
- Assistance building a compelling case
Substantial evidence is often required to support workplace injury claims. This requires gathering necessary evidence. Workplace injury attorneys can help you gather evidence including medical records, witness statements and other relevant documentation. We at High and Younes, LLC have the resources, skills and experience to gather and develop evidence to support your claim. We will help build a strong case and improve the outcome of your claim.
- Representation in negotiations with insurance companies
Insurance companies, like other businesses, do everything they can to avoid losses. This includes minimizing compensation or flat out denying claims. It helps to have an experienced workplace injury attorney representing you in negotiations with these companies. Our attorneys are skilled and experienced negotiators. We will fight to secure a fair settlement on your behalf.
- Representation in hearings
If your claim is denied or disputed, you may need to attend a hearing or appeal. It helps to have a knowledgeable and experienced attorney representing you during these proceedings. The attorneys at High and Younes, LLC will present your case effectively to increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome.
Have you suffered a workplace injury? Don’t hesitate to contact High and Younes, LLC. Schedule free consultation with our team and learn about your rights and the best approach to take with your case.

Workplace Injury Claims Attorney