Workers’ Compensation, How Much is My Case Worth?

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March 21, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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Employers are required by law to provide their employees with a reasonably safe work environment. Many employers do their best to comply with the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 2007. However, workers still get hurt. In fact, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that three out of every one hundred workers in the country were injured on the job in 2019.

When a worker is injured at work, they can choose to submit a workers’ compensation claim. Workers’ compensation is a no-fault system that allows workers to access the financial support they need when they suffer work-related injuries or illness. Many workers are curious about how much they can recover as compensation. Below we discuss how much workers are able to recover as compensation for their claims.

Benefits Available For Workers’ Compensation

One of the biggest factors that will influence the amount you will receive as compensation is the types of benefits you are eligible to recover. There are several benefits available under workers’ compensation. These include:

  • Medical benefits

This covers the cost of medical treatment including procedures, visits to doctors, hospital stays and prescription medication.

  • Temporary total benefits

These cover a percentage of your income when the injury causes the worker not to be able to return to work for more than seven days.

  • Permanent partial benefits

These benefits cover part of the workers’ wages when they have suffered an injury that results in permanent bodily impairment that renders them unable to work for a short period.

  • Permanent total benefits

These benefits are available for employees that have suffered work-related injuries or illnesses that prevent them from being able to work in any capacity or seek alternative employment.

  • Death benefits

When a worker dies as a result of their work-related injuries or illness, their survivors can make a claim to recover death benefits.

Other Factors that Influence the Amount of Benefits You Receive

If you have been injured on the job, you may be curious about how much you will receive as workers’ compensation benefits. This will depend upon several factors:

  • The type and severity of your injuries

Severe injuries that require longer and more extensive treatment will attract higher medical benefits. This is because these injuries are more expensive to treat. They also mean that the worker is unable to return to work for a longer period of time.

  • If you will need future medical care

It is not just important to consider treatment that you need at the moment but also in the future.  Your compensation ought to cover the costs of future treatment.

  • Your ability to work

If your injuries have rendered you unable to work, you will receive benefits to replace part of your wages for the period that you are unable to work.

  • Your weekly wage

The amount you were earning as a weekly wage at the time of your injury will influence the amount of compensation you receive. The wage replacement benefits are calculated based on your average weekly wage for the 52 working weeks prior to your injury.

  • Your personal situation

Your personal financial situation will also influence the amount you receive as workers’ compensation benefits. If you are in a difficult financial situation, you may be forced to settle for less than full compensation in order to access the finances you need quickly.

Average Workers’ Comp Settlements

Reports show that the average workers’ compensation settlement is about $20,000. However, as discussed earlier, the actual amount you receive as a settlement will vary depending on various factors. Below we look at the average workers’ comp settlements based on various factors.

  • The cause of the injury

According to data from the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) the average workers’ compensation claim for injuries in a work-related motor-vehicle crash was slightly over $85,000 in 2019 and 2020. The average settlement for slip and fall accidents was $48,575 and for work related burns was $54, 173.

  • Type of injury

The average settlement for work related accidents resulting in amputation in 2019 and 2020 was $118, 837. The average settlement for burns was $48,671 and for dislocation was $60,934.

  • The part of the body involved

The average settlement of a claim involving injuries to the central nervous system or the heat was $93,942 in 2019 and 2020. Injuries involving the pelvis, thigh and hip were settled for an average of $59, 758.

Get Full Compensation

It doesn’t matter what the nature of your injury is or the part of the body affected, it is important that you seek to recover full financial compensation for your work-related injury. You can do so with the help of an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer. Our attorneys will review your case and fight on your behalf to recover full compensation. Contact us to schedule free consultation.

How Much is My Case Worth

How Much is My Case Worth?