Workers Comp Insurance Attorney Omaha NE – High & Younes LLC

We Answer your questions about the law

1. What is the political subdivision Tort Claims Act and should I care?

2. How long will my personal injury claim or lawsuit take? Omaha, NE

3. Should I take an insurance company’s first offer? Omaha, NE

4. What is maximum medical improvement? Omaha, NE

5. What is my workers’ compensation claim worth? Omaha, NE

6. Can a child custody order be modified? Omaha, NE

7. How long do I have to bring a personal injury claim to court?

8. What if the workers' compensation accident was my fault? Omaha, NE

9. Why do I need a lawyer for my divorce? Omaha, NE

10. What kind of insurance coverage is available in Nebraska personal injury case? Omaha, NE

11. What can a Nebraska worker's compensation attorney do for me? Omaha, NE

12. How do we divide assets in a divorce? Omaha, NE

13. Why should I consult an attorney for my personal injury case?

14. How is child custody determined in Nebraska?

15. Do I need a lawyer for my DUI? - Omaha NE

16. What are the steps in a personal injury case?

17. What is the workers' compensation process in Nebraska?

18. How is child support calculated in Nebraska?

19. What are the penalties for a first offense DUI in Omaha NE - DUI Attorneys

20. What benefits can I receive in a workers compensation case? Omaha NE

21. What do you do when you're hurt at work?

22. What do I do if I'm involved in a car accident?

23. Who pays for the medical bills when I've been in an accident?

24. What does the divorce process entail? Omaha, NE

25. How will a DUI affect my license? Omaha NE

26. What is a Subrogation Claim?

27. What Is A Settlement?

28. Qué es el Seguro de Compensación de Trabajadores?

March 13, 2025 | Workers' compensation

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Have you suffered a workplace injury? Navigating the workers compensation claims process can be complex and overwhelming. At High & Younes, LLC, we provide injured workers with legal guidance and representation in pursuing the benefits that they’re entitled to. We therefore have a good understanding of the challenges that many workers face during the process. Below, we explore some of the questions we are asked most often regarding workers compensation.

What is Workers’ Compensation?

You’d be surprised to know that many workers aren’t aware of workers’ compensation or that they are eligible for compensation following a workplace injury. Workers’ compensation is a system designed to provide workers with financial compensation when they are injured while on the job. Workers’ compensation provides cover for medical benefits and wage replacement of the injured worker. It may also provide other benefits depending on the case.

Workers’ compensation is not only designed to help workers recover economically following a workplace injury but also to protect employers from lawsuits related to these injuries.

Am I eligible for workers’ compensation in Nebraska?

Most employees in Nebraska are covered by workers’ compensation. This includes full-time workers, part-time workers and seasonal workers. However, independent contractors may not be eligible for workers’ compensation. Consult with an attorney to determine whether you are eligible for workers’ compensation. At High & Younes Attorneys, LLC we offer free consultation for injured workers. We’d be glad to review your case and guide you on your rights.

What Should If I Am Injured at Work

The steps you take following an injury at work can either make or break your case. The following are steps to take after an injury.

  • Report the injury to your employer immediately following the incident.
  • Seek medical attention for your injuries as soon as possible. Be sure to confirm with your employer whether you need to see an approved healthcare provider.
  • Document your injuries and the scene of the accident. Take photos and video recordings of your injuries and the scene of the accident.
  • Take note of witnesses at the scene of the accident. Take note of their names, contact information and statements.
  • Consult with an experienced attorney as soon as possible. Your attorney will review your case and help determine the best way forward.
  • File a workers’ compensation claim as soon as possible after the accident. This will not only ensure that you begin to receive benefits but also help you avoid being locked out by deadlines.

What benefits can I receive under workers’ compensation?

There are various benefits available under workers’ compensation. They include:

  • Medical expenses – these benefits cover expenses such as hospital visits, prescriptions, surgeries and more.
  • Temporary or permanent disability payments – these benefits provide partial wage replacement for workers for the period that they are not able to return to work due to disability caused by the injury.
  • Lost wages – these benefits cover a percentage of your average earnings for the period that you are not able to work due to your injuries.
  • Vocational rehabilitation – these benefits cover the cost of job training if you’re unable to return to your previous role.

Can my employer fire me for filing a workers’ compensation claim?

No. It is illegal for employers to retaliate against injured workers by firing them for filing a workers’ compensation claim. If you believe that you have been wrongfully terminated by your employer due to filing a worker’s compensation claim, be sure to consult with an experienced attorney. Your attorney will fight to protect your rights.

What would you do if your claim was denied?

If your claim is denied, don’t give up. It isn’t uncommon for legitimate claims to be denied. You have the right to appeal the decision. Some common reasons insurance providers may deny a claim include:

  • Failure to report the injury on time
  • Your employer disputes the claim
  • Inadequate medical evidence

AN experienced workers’ comp attorney can help you gather the evidence you need to fight for your benefits.

Do I need an attorney for a workers’ compensation case?

While it is not a requirement to have the guidance or representation of an experienced workers’ comp lawyer, it can be beneficial especially when:

  • Your claim has been denied
  • You have a pre-existing condition
  • You are facing employer retaliation
  • You are unable to return to work due to your injury

How much does it cost to hire a workers’ compensation attorney?

Most workers’ compensation attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. At High & Younes Attorneys, LLC, we only get paid when we win. This means that hiring an attorney from our firm to represent you is risk free. If you’re struggling with a workers’ compensation claim, don’t hesitate to contact us and schedule your free consultation. We’d be glad to discuss your case with you and guide you on the steps to take to protect your rights.

Workers Comp Insurance Attorney Omaha

Workers Comp Insurance Attorney Omaha