What injuries qualify for a workers’ comp claim?

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March 29, 2022 | Workers' compensation

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Any injury sustained while working qualifies for workers’ compensation, provided it’s an injury that requires medical care. For example, you could file a claim for a paper cut since cuts can lead to infection. However, if a paper cut heals in a few days and doesn’t require medical attention, the claim will likely be denied.

Although there are far more possible injuries that can occur at work, the list below are very common and happen far more frequently than one would think.

The most common injuries compensated include:

  • Musculoskeletal injuries like soft tissue injuries and whiplash
  • Lacerations
  • Sprains and strains
  • Contusions
  • Eye injuries
  • Bone fractures and dislocations
  • Burns
  • Cumulative or continuous trauma, like carpal tunnel

All of these injuries are common for workplace accidents and qualify for workers’ compensation provided the injury occurred while you were performing work-related duties. For example, it doesn’t matter if you were on or off the clock, driving, or off-site. If you were performing work or were on the clock when you sustained the injury, it should be covered by workers’ comp.

Is a lawyer needed to file a workers’ comp claim?

While it’s not required to have an attorney, it’s definitely beneficial. Like all insurance companies, workers’ comp adjusters will try to pay out as little as possible. When approved, they’ll make you an offer to settle the claim, but the amount may be extremely low. You’ll have to use your best negotiating skills to get a better offer, but if you’re not an expert in negotiating, you’ll get frustrated and may settle for less than you deserve.

An attorney will know how to negotiate a proper settlement amount that will cover an injured worker’s current and future medical bills.

Were you injured on the job? Contact our office right away at 402-933-3345, we’re here to help you.

If you’ve been injured at work, you’re entitled to recover compensation for your injuries. If your situation qualifies for workers’ comp, we’ll help you get the maximum amount of compensation possible. If your employer doesn’t have a policy, we’ll help you get compensated through the courts.

Whether you’re thinking about filing a workers’ comp claim, or your claim has been denied, contact our office as soon as possible. We’ll review your case and help you get the compensation you deserve.

Call us at 402-933-3345 for a free initial consultation.

What injuries qualify for a workers’ comp claim?

What injuries qualify for a workers’ comp claim?