What Can a Workers Compensation Attorney Do for Me?

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August 18, 2022 | Workers' compensation

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Have you been injured at work? If you have suffered a work related injury or illness, you may be able to recover workers’ compensation benefits. The workers’ compensation system is designed to compensate people that are injured on the job or become ill as a result of their work. The system provides workers with financial compensation without them having to become involved in a personal injury lawsuit. Workers compensation also protects employers from being subjected to personal injury lawsuits brought against them by injured employees.

Workers’ compensation is designed to be a no-fault system. This means that fault and negligence either on the part of the employer or employee are not examined in giving compensation. Workers’ compensation is designed to provide workers with a quick means to obtain financial support for an ordeal that they were not prepared for.

The workers’ compensation system is designed in most part to be simple and straightforward. This ensures that the benefits are easily accessible to all workers. However, while employers are obligated by law to pay these benefits, they and the insurance companies that represent them aren’t always willing to do so. It is therefore not uncommon to find that workers with a valid claim being denied access to these benefits.

While the law does not require you to have the guidance and representation of an experienced workers compensation lawyer, it is in your best interests to hire an attorney to represent you. There are many things that an experienced workers’ attorney can do for you.

  1. Answer your questions

If you have been injured at work, you may be wondering whether you are eligible to seek workers compensation benefits. Even if your case seems obvious, there are various factors that must be considered to determine whether you are eligible for workers compensation or not. For example, if you were injured in an accident while driving a company vehicle but were running a personal errand, you may not be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. An experienced attorney will review your claim and determine the best way to proceed with your case.

  1. File your claim properly

Many workers have their claims denied simply because of mistakes they make when filing their claims. In truth, filing a workers’ compensation claim is trickier than what many people believe. You not only have to fill out multiple forms but also ensure that they are filled properly, meet certain requirements and ensure you are not locked out by deadlines. This can be difficult when you’re facing a difficult recovery as well as the financial pressure of mounting medical bills and not being able to work. An experienced attorney can do all the work on your behalf. They will ensure your claim is filed on time and with great accuracy.

  1. Develop evidence

While the workers’ compensation system is not a fault-based system, evidence still needs to be presented to determine the cause of your injuries or illness and if they are work related. Many workers have their claims denied simply because they did not present sufficient medical and vocational evidence. Workers’ compensation attorneys can help you develop adequate evidence to support your case. They will help you in gathering medical records, work records and consulting with expert witnesses to strengthen your case.

  1. Negotiate settlement agreements

Many insurance companies will offer a low settlement to avoid suffering a big loss. Excellent negotiation skills are therefore required to help ensure that you can get a fair settlement. An experienced attorney will review your case, your past medical expenses, future medical expenses, your wages and various other factors to negotiate for a fair settlement.

  1. Manage the workers’ compensation appeals process

It is not uncommon for workers to have their claims denied. Even a slight error in your claims form or a  delay by your doctor or employer can result in denial of your claim. While this can be disheartening, you can appeal and fight to recover compensation. An experienced attorney will guide this process and fight on your behalf. They understand the appeals process. You will have a better chance of recovering compensation with their help.

  1. Represent you at trial or during the workers’ comp hearing

If a reasonable settlement cannot be reached or if you find that you have to make an appeal, your case will go to the next state: a hearing. During this hearing, your attorney will present your case and defend it before a judge. They will examine witnesses and raise objections to support your claim.

  1. Advise you on other potential benefits

An experienced attorney will review your case to identify all the benefits that you are eligible for including filing a third-party personal injury claim. Your attorney will help guide you in recovering the compensation that is due to you.

Contact us today to schedule free consultation with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney from our law firm.

What Can a Workers Compensation Attorney Do for Me

What Can a Workers Compensation Attorney Do for Me