What are 5 of the Top Reasons to Hire a Workers Compensation Attorney?

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July 29, 2022 | Workers' compensation

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Have you been injured while on the job? You may be eligible to receive workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation is designed to provide workers with financial support while they are injured at work or suffer a work-related illness.

While recovering workers compensation benefits ought to be easy, it often isn’t. Workers are often faced with many challenges when they attempt to recover the compensation on their own.

Why You Should Hire a Workers Compensation Attorney

If you’ve been injured at or work or suffered a work related illness, you may want to hire a workers’ compensation attorney for the following reasons.

  1. They will help you determine your eligibility

Not everyone that is injured at work is eligible to recover workers’ compensation benefits. It is also important to determine how much you are eligible to recover. An experienced worker’s compensation attorney will review your case for free. They will determine whether you are eligible to recover worker’s compensation benefits and approximately how much you can recover.

Your attorney will also identify other ways you can recover compensation e.g. from third parties such as defective product manufacturers. They will help you maximize your compensation.

Your attorney will also help you determine what type of benefits you are eligible to apply for e.g. temporary partial disability benefits and many more. They will ensure you file a claim for the right benefits and are therefore compensated appropriately.

  1. They will ensure that you meet all legal requirements

While the process for filing workers’ compensation is meant to be easy, there are various requirements you must meet. Failure to do so can easily result in your claim being denied. An experienced attorney will help to ensure that you meet the requirements to successfully file a claim. Some of these requirements include:

  • Proving your injuries are work related
  • Meeting deadlines for reporting injuries to your employer
  • Seeing a doctor approved by your employer or their insurance provider

Your attorney will work to improve your chances of making a successful claim.

  1. They will represent you in negotiations

One of the most challenging parts of recovering workers compensation benefits is negotiating with the employer and their insurance provider. Insurance companies have experts that represent their best interests. They will do everything possible to avoid paying compensation and experiencing a loss.

Experienced workers’ compensation attorneys are familiar with how insurance companies operate. The will recognize the tricks that the insurance company pulls and protect you from them. They will negotiate on your behalf and ensure that you recover just compensation.

  1. They will improve your chances at court

Majority of workers’ compensation cases end with a settlement. However, if a reasonable settlement cannot be reached during the negotiations, your case will proceed to court. Trials can be time consuming. It can also be difficult to know how to defend your case before a judge.

Experienced workers’ compensation lawyers have trial experience too. They will represent you in court and argue your case to the judge. They will investigate your claim and gather the necessary evidence to support it. They will argue against the arguments of the insurance company and demonstrate why you deserve to be compensated.

  1. They will help you deal with any related legal issues

Many workers that file workers’ compensation claims end up facing various other legal issues. For example, their employer may choose to retaliate by firing the worker or giving them a pay cut. They may even experience hostility from their employer or workmates.

Workers’ compensation lawyers can help you deal with other legal issues that are related to your claim or injuries. For example they can assist you in filing a personal injury lawsuit against a manufacturer of a defective product that caused your injury at work. They can also help you seek other benefits such as SSID benefits.

When You Should Hire a Workers’ Compensation Attorney

  1. When you are injured at work

If you have been injured at work, it is important to seek the counsel of an experienced workers’ compensation attorney as soon as possible after the injury. Your attorney will help you navigate the claims process while you focus on recovering.

  1. When your employer or their insurance provider denies your claim

Workers’ compensation claims are often complicated by denials from employers or their insurance companies. A lawyer can help you contest the denial of the claim and work to recover the compensation that is rightly yours.

  1. When your employer retaliates

If your employer retaliates in any way it is important to talk to a workers’ compensation attorney. They will advise you and take steps to protect your rights.

The process of recovering workers compensation can be confusing and overwhelming. Contact us to consult with an experienced workers compensation attorney for free and take the first step in protecting your rights.

Top Reasons to Hire a Workers Compensation Attorney

Top Reasons to Hire a Workers Compensation Attorney