Truck Driver Workers Compensation

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5. What is my workers’ compensation claim worth? Omaha, NE

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7. How long do I have to bring a personal injury claim to court?

8. What if the workers' compensation accident was my fault? Omaha, NE

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10. What kind of insurance coverage is available in Nebraska personal injury case? Omaha, NE

11. What can a Nebraska worker's compensation attorney do for me? Omaha, NE

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20. What benefits can I receive in a workers compensation case? Omaha NE

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April 12, 2022 | Workers' compensation

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Driving a truck is one of the most dangerous jobs. Truck drivers throughout the country drive billions of miles every year on some of the most dangerous highways in the country. They work with heavy equipment and their work can be physically straining. It is safe to say that this profession comes with many risks.

Truck companies are required by law to maintain workers’ compensation insurance to cover injuries sustained by their employees while on the job. This includes truck drivers. If you are a truck driver and were injured while at work or carrying out your work duties, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries. Contact us to speak with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney and ensure that your rights to compensation are protected.

Common Injuries Suffered By Truck Drivers

  • Injuries from vehicular accidents

Truck drivers are at high risk of being involved in a motor vehicle accident as they spend a good deal of their working hours on the road. Truck accidents can happen for many reasons including improper loading, mechanical failures, driver fatigue, poor road conditions and poor weather conditions.

Injuries sustained in truck accidents are often serious. This is because trucks are larger and heavier than other vehicles on the road. The impact of a collision is more forceful and often results in serious injuries or fatalities. Common injuries related to truck accidents include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spine and back injuries
  • Broken limbs
  • Lacerations
  • Bruises
  • Burns

Repetitive motion injuries

Truck drivers, like many other workers, are at risk of experiencing injuries from repetitive stress. Truck drivers spend hours driving. This can take a toll on their bodies. They may experience back injuries, pelvic pain and other related injuries as a result of sitting for hours on a daily basis. They may also experience injuries such as carpal tunnel from stains holding the wheel or the gear shift while changing gears.

The duties assigned to truck drivers go beyond simply driving the truck. Many truck drivers also assist in repairing their vehicles as well as loading them. These activities often involve hauling heavy objects. This can put strain on a driver’s body. They may suffer injuries such as back injuries, shoulder pain or neck pain as a result of the heavy lifting.

Muscle strains and overexertion injuries

Truck drivers often work long shifts. This can eventually lead to overexertion. The effects of overexertion often aren’t felt until many months or even years later. Truck drivers may begin to experience chronic pain or soreness. They may have other symptoms such as chronic fatigue.

The problem with overexertion is that it can be challenging to show that the pain and discomfort you are experiencing is a result of the strain of the tasks you carried out while working. It is especially important in cases such as these to seek the assistance of an experienced workers’ compensation attorney.

Slip and fall injuries

The trucking industry involves working in hazardous environments such as loading docks and factories. It is therefore not uncommon to be injured in slip and fall accidents. Many truck drivers are injured while loading items or walking on slippery surfaces.

Slip and fall accidents can result in a wide variety of injuries. Injuries can be as serious as back injuries, neck injuries, traumatic brain injuries and broken bones. Slip and fall injuries can be fatal especially when they involve a fall from height.

Injuries from exposure to hazardous chemicals

Truck drivers transport a wide range of products. Some of these products can be hazardous to human health. Truck drivers exposed to hazardous cargo can develop health conditions as a result of their exposure. It is your employer’s responsibility to provide a safe working environment. This includes providing the right personal protective equipment as well as taking precaution to limit exposure to hazardous chemicals.

Truck drivers may develop a wide range of health conditions or suffer various injuries as a result of exposure to hazardous chemicals.  These injuries can range from burns from coming into contact with caustic chemicals in a chemical spill during an accident to chronic lung conditions as a result of inhaling toxic fumes.

What are your options for truck driver workplace injuries?

If you’re a truck and have suffered a workplace injury, you may be wondering what your options are. Some options available to you may include:

  • Filing a workers’ compensation claim
  • Filing a personal injury lawsuit against any third party (besides your employer) that may have been responsible for your injuries.

It is critical that you speak with a workers’ compensation attorney as soon as possible after your accident. Your attorney will help you determine what your options are. Contact us to speak to an experienced and knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney. Learn about your rights and options by scheduling a free no-obligation consultation.

Truck Driver Workers Compensation

Truck Driver Workers Compensation