Lawyer for Workers Comp

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11. What can a Nebraska worker's compensation attorney do for me? Omaha, NE

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March 31, 2021 | Workers' compensation

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No one goes to work knowing that they will get injured. However, accidents can occur at any time and to any type of worker. While you may do your best to avoid getting injured, workplace injuries can happen to anyone. In fact, these accidents occur every day throughout the country. There were 2.8 million reported non-fatal injuries or illnesses related to work affecting private industry workers in 2019.

Importance of workers’ compensation

The State of Nebraska requires all employers to have workers’ compensation coverage. Workers’ compensation was developed in order to provide injured employees and their dependents with a financial cushion while dealing with the consequences of the injury. Workers’ compensation insurance also protects businesses from financial strain in case of employees suffering work-related injuries.

Common workers’ compensation claims

There are various types of workers’ compensation claims filed every year. Different types of injuries trigger the filing of claims that result in different benefits. The following are some of the most common workers’ compensation claims filed.

  • Strains and sprains

Sprains and strains are some of the most common workers’ compensation claims filed. These injuries affect the connective or muscular tissues. They can occur to any type of worker. However, they are more commonly suffered by workers whose tasks are physical.

Sprains are injuries that occur when the ligaments (the tissue that connects two bones in a joint) are torn or overstretched. Joints commonly affected by strains include ankles and knees.

Strains are injuries that occur when tendons (the cords that connect muscles to the bone) or muscles are overstretched or torn. Strains most commonly occur in the shoulders, lower back, upper back and hamstrings.

These injuries are often the result of putting too much strain on the body. They are often caused by lifting heavy weights, pushing or pulling heavy weights, trips and falls, repetitive motions and collisions.

  • Slips, trips and falls

Slips, trips and falls are common accidents in workplaces. These accidents may occur when employees walk on wet floors, slippery stairways or even snowy walkways.

Injuries from slips, trips and falls range from minor injuries such as bruises to more serious injuries such as fractures or broken bones. In some instances, slips, trips and falls can be fatal. For example, when workers slip and fall from a great height at a construction site, they may suffer injuries that are fatal.

  • Transportation incidents

Transportation incidents such as collisions some one of the top causes of work-related injuries. Truck drivers, for example, can claim workers’ compensation for injuries suffered in a collision involving the truck they were driving for their employer.

Transportation incidents can result in injuries that are minor such as minor cuts and bruises or serious injuries such as amputation. Some accidents are fatal. Spouses can claim workers’ compensation on behalf of the deceased employee.

  • Electrocution

Electrocution in the workplace can occur to any type of employee. This type of injury occurs when employees come into contact with exposed live wires or where live wires are in contact with a conductive surface that the employee comes into contact with, e.g. water, a kitchen appliance or a metal table.

Electrocution can result in severe burns, nerve damage, brain injury, organ damage and cardiac arrest. There are incidents when electrocution can cause injuries that are fatal.

While electrocution can happen at any time to any type of worker, the most common victims of this type of injury are electricians, forestry workers, truck drivers, construction workers, carpenters, crane operators and utility workers.



  • Overexertion

This occurs when an employee is doing much more than they can handle physically. For example, lifting, pushing or pulling heavy objects can result in injuring your muscles. Overexertion can also result in injuries such as fractured bones, sprains and dislocated joints.

The employee’s working conditions can also contribute to overexertion. For example, if the employee is standing for long periods in the hot sun without proper cooling or hydration, the employee may become overheated and pass out as a result of heat stroke.

  • Machinery accidents

Many of the machinery-related incidents that are reported are related to large or heavy machinery. These accidents commonly occur in factories and construction sites. These types of accidents often result in huge medical costs. Common injuries resulting from machinery accidents include cuts, amputation, fractures and broken bones.

Employees handling large and heavy machinery are required to have the right training and experience to operate this equipment. Employers are also required to maintain the machinery and ensure a safe working environment for their employees.

  • Repetitive activity

Repetition of certain activities at work can result in injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, tendonitis and eye strain. These injuries are commonly suffered by office workers as well as assembly line workers.

  • Exposure to harmful substances or environments

Employees may develop health conditions as a result of exposure to dangerous chemicals or environments. Chemicals such as asbestos, benzene, cadmium, pesticides and mercury are notorious for causing health issues such as cancer, neurological disorders, lung injuries, rashes and burns.

How to get workers’ compensation

If you have suffered an injury or developed an illness that is related to your work, get in touch with a workers compensation lawyer. We’ll help you fight for the compensation you deserve.