Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyers – Omaha NE

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July 11, 2023 | Nursing Home Negligence

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There are times when our loved ones require a level of care that we are not able to provide. When this happens, we have the option to have them live in a nursing home or care facility. Unfortunately, not all care facilities provide our loved ones with the care they need. If you or a loved one has been injured or suffered emotional distress while under institutional care, you can seek the assistance of an experienced nursing home abuse and neglect lawyer in Omaha and recover financial compensation for your damages.

Nursing home abuse and neglect lawyers are skilled and experienced at dealing with nursing home abuse and neglect that occur in any of the following facilities:

  • Assisted living facilities

These are residences for the elderly that require assistance with daily activities. The facilities provide the elderly with professional care and assistance with activities such as getting dressed, taking a bath, managing their medication and meal preparation. The goal of these facilities is to promote independence as well as social engagement for seniors. They offer a blend of housing and personal support and care services.

  • Skilled nursing facilities

These are healthcare institutions that provide specialized rehabilitation and nursing care services. They are designed to cater for those individuals that require a higher level of medical care than can be provided at traditional nursing homes or assisted living facilities. The staff typically consists of licensed nurses. These facilities offer 24 hour medical supervision.

  • Nursing homes

These are the traditional residential facilities many people think of when they consider having their elderly loved one under professional care. These facilities offer long-term care to the elderly as well as individuals with disabilities, chronic illnesses and other health conditions that call for continuous care and support. The staff at these facilities is often a combination of skilled nurses and professional caregivers. These facilities also offer around the clock support and care.

  • Long-term care facilities

These facilities offer a wide variety of services to support individuals that require long term assistance with their daily activities. They are designed to support the elderly as well as individuals with chronic conditions that require ongoing care. The term long-term care facilities is therefore often used to incorporate facilities such as nursing homes, specialized care units and assisted living facilities.

  • Residential aged care facilities

These facilities are also referred to aged care homes. They provide accommodation, personal care and other support services to the elderly. They are designed to cater to the needs of the elderly who require assistance with daily activities. They also cater to the elderly that have complex healthcare needs. The goal of these facilities is to provide the elderly with a comfortable environment to live in.

  • Convalescent home

These facilities are also referred to as convalescent hospitals. They specialize in the provision of care as well as the rehabilitation of individuals that are recovering from injury, surgery or illness. They offer temporary care with the goal of helping patients regain their independence, strength and functional abilities. They prove round the clock support for patients and allow them to recover prior to returning home.

  • Old folks’ home

This term refers to facilities where the elderly live together. Also known as old people’s homes or old folks homes, these facilities are designed to cater to those that are not able to live independently. They provide the elderly with assistance in personal care and other support services. The elderly are able to participate in a community.

How Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyers Can Assist You

Nursing home abuse and neglect lawyers can help you pursue a claim for financial compensation against the responsible parties. An experienced attorney will provide you with the legal guidance on what your rights and are the best way to approach your case. They will help you identify an alternative care facility and ensure the safety of your loved one.

Experienced attorneys will investigate your claim to establish liability. They will gather the evidence necessary to build a strong claim on your behalf. With their help you can determine who to pursue for compensation and how much you can recover.

Your attorney will represent you throughout the claims process. They will handle every aspect of the claims process including filing the claim and negotiating a settlement with the responsible parties. Your attorney will fight for full compensation and thus ensure you recover fair compensation for your damages. They will fight to ensure that those responsible for your loved one’s injuries are held liable. They will even represent you in court if a reasonable settlement cannot be reached in the negotiations.

Has your loved one been the victim of abuse or neglect while under institutional care? Contact our law firm to schedule free consultation and learn about you rights, options and how we can help.

Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyers – Omaha NE

Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect Lawyers – Omaha NE