Insurance Attorney Near Me

We Answer your questions about the law

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November 19, 2021 | Insurance Attorney

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Having insurance gives us peace of mind. We know that should anything go wrong, we’ll have the financial support we need to get through. However, many claimants experience stress and anxiety when they file claims with insurance companies. While the process of filing a claim is designed to be simple and straightforward, many claimants find that it is complex. Many people with legitimate claims end up having their claims denied or being awarded much less than their claim is worth.

If you’re experiencing problems with the insurance claims process consider getting in touch with us. Speak to our experienced insurance attorneys. We’ll handle the claims process on your behalf and help ease the stress.

When to hire an insurance attorney

The insurance claims process isn’t as simple and straightforward as claimants believe it to be. You may want to consider hiring an insurance attorney if you find yourself in any of the following situations.

  1. Your insurance claim has been denied

There are many cases when even legitimate insurance claims are denied by insurance companies. Many claims are denied without a good reason or an explanation. It can be distressing to have your claim denied for no good reason.

If your insurance company hasn’t provided a legitimate reason for denying your claim, don’t give up. You should instead seek the assistance of an insurance attorney. An insurance attorney will review your claim. They will assess the circumstances of your case and your insurance policy to determine if the denial by the insurance company is legitimate. Your insurance attorney will fight to get your claim approved.

  1. Your payments are being delayed

In many cases, people filing a claim for insurance require the money paid in order to meet their expenses. Many insurance policies outline a period within which payments for approved claims ought to be made. It can therefore be distressing to have your insurance claim approved but find that your payments are delayed.

An insurance attorney can help to move things along. They will help keep you up to date with the status of your insurance claim and ease your stress and anxiety. They will also put pressure on the insurance company when needed to help get the payments done in good time. They will help ensure you have the money you need when you need it.

  1. Your insurance policy has been terminated unexpectedly

Have you made an insurance claim only to find out that the insurance company unexpectedly cut off your insurance? Has the insurance company failed to provide a legitimate reason for cutting off your insurance?

Insurance companies are required by law to provide you with adequate warning prior to terminating your insurance policy. They are also required to provide a legitimate reason for terminating your insurance policy. If your insurance policy was terminated right after making a claim, then you should get in touch with an insurance lawyer. Your insurance lawyer will help you determine whether the insurance company acted in bad faith. They will advise you on what your legal options are and the best strategy to take to get your claim approved. With the help of an attorney you can get your claim approved.

  1. The insurance company referred you to their attorney

In many instances, insurance companies will put you in touch with the insurance adjusters during the claims process. Insurance adjusters work to determine whether the claim is legitimate and how much the insurance company ought to pay. However, when cases become complex they may have their attorneys contact you instead. This is usually a red flag.

If your insurance company has sent a lawyer to talk to you, it is important to have your own legal representation. Hiring an insurance attorney will even the playing field. Your insurance attorney will represent you in all communications and protect your rights.

Benefits of hiring an insurance attorney

Hiring an insurance attorney offers many benefits.

  • Reduced stress

The claims process can be the source of a lot of stress and anxiety. Hiring an insurance attorney will help to ease the burden. Your insurance attorney will handle all aspects of the claims process so you can focus on other things. They will be a huge support throughout the process. You can rest in the knowledge that an experienced and skilled attorney is in your corner.

  • Protection of rights

Unless you have a degree in law and experience in filing insurance claims, you probably aren’t familiar with the laws and regulations governing insurance. An attorney will provide you with the benefit of knowledge and experience in the area. They will ensure your rights are protected.

Are you experiencing problems with your insurance claim? Get in touch with us and book an appointment to speak to an insurance attorney. We’ll fight on your behalf to get your claim approved.

Insurance Attorney Near Me

Insurance Attorney Near Me