Divorce Attorney Omaha

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6. Can a child custody order be modified? Omaha, NE

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9. Why do I need a lawyer for my divorce? Omaha, NE

10. What kind of insurance coverage is available in Nebraska personal injury case? Omaha, NE

11. What can a Nebraska worker's compensation attorney do for me? Omaha, NE

12. How do we divide assets in a divorce? Omaha, NE

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June 14, 2022 | Family Law

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Do you have legal issues that affect your family? Family law, as the name suggests, is a legal field that deals legal issues that relate to family relationships or domestic matters. Family law attorneys in Omaha may practice family law in general or subcategories of family law. This means that there are some family law attorneys that focus on one specific area of family law such as divorce, child custody or estates.

Common Cases That Family Law Attorneys Handle

One would think that family relationships would not require the intervention of a family lawyer, however they are wrong. In fact, domestic matters are often more intense than other legal matters. It should also be noted that family law is a broad area of law. Some of the most common cases family lawyers handle include:

  1. Divorce

When most people think of family lawyers, divorce is probably one of the first thoughts that comes to mind. This is because divorces are some of the most contentious issues that family lawyers have to deal with. It is also because many marriages today are ending in divorce. A family lawyer will help guide you through the divorce process. They will advise you on different matters concerning your divorce to ensure you make good decisions and get a favorable outcome.

  1. Child custody

When couples with children separate, they often aren’t able to agree on who should raise the children. They are unable to decide on the best interests of the children in the midst of all the disagreements they are having. A family lawyer can help you make better decisions about child custody. They can also defend your rights to visitation and other issues concerning raising your children. Your attorney will ensure that the best interests of your children are considered throughout the process.

  1. Spousal and child support

This is another contentious issue that arises when couples separate. Family lawyers will help fight for a fair spousal or child support agreement. They will fight to protect your rights and that of your children and ensure that your future is secure.

  1. Adoptions

Family law is not all doom and gloom. Family lawyers aren’t always working with families that are seeking to break up. They also work to unite families and to help them get their happy ending. An experienced family lawyer can help you with the lengthy and expensive adoption process. They will work to ensure that you adhere to the law and that there are no missteps that could interfere with the adoption.

  1. Domestic violence

When someone is suffering abuse in a relationship, they can turn to a family law attorney to help them get the protection or help they need. Family layers can help in removing people from abuse situations and ensuring they are placed in a safe environment. They will also work to obtain justice on behalf of the abused by seeking that the abuser be punished.

On the other hand, if you have been wrongly accused of domestic violence, you can rely on a family lawyer to protect your rights and clear your name.

  1. Handling estates and wills

Managing your estate and ensuring that you have a will is vital for securing the future of your family. A family lawyer can help ensure that your estate and will are in order. They will assist you in drafting estate documents and advise you on the best approach to managing your estate. They will help to protect your property while you’re alive as well as when you die. Hiring a family lawyer will give you peace of mind.

  1. Prenuptial agreements

Many couples today are having prenuptial agreements written and signed before they marry. This is especially common amongst those with large estates or substantial assets. These agreements often outline the provisions for child custody, spousal support as well as division of property in the event that the marriage should end in divorce. It is the job of a family law attorney to help the couple draft the prenuptial agreement. Family law lawyers also help to deal with any matters that may arise from the agreement. They can advise you on changes that need to be made in order to protect your rights.

  1. Dealing with guardianship issues

Guardians are people that can make decisions on our behalf. A family lawyer can help you obtain guardianship over a minor child or even an adult family member that has developed issues such as dementia and can no longer make decisions on their own. As a guardian, you will be able to make decisions on behalf of your charge. For example, you can make medical decisions such as what treatments doctors can undertake.

Family law is a broad branch of law. If you have an issue and aren’t sure whether it falls under family law, get in touch with us for consultation with an experienced family law attorney in Omaha.

Divorce Attorney Omaha

Divorce Attorney Omaha