New Year’s Eve and DUI’s – What Happens If You Get One

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January 3, 2023 | DUI

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Making it through another year is definitely something to celebrate. For many the New Year comes with new opportunities. For others, it is a time to wipe the slate clean and get a fresh start. It is a time filled with hope for a brighter future. However, your celebrations can quickly turn into a nightmare when you are charged with driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol. Below, we discuss what you should do if you are charged with DUI on New Year’s Eve.

Why DUI is So Common during New Year’s Eve

According to a recent study, alcohol intake soars during New Year celebrations. 16 percent of those polled in a recent study agreed that their alcohol intake soared during this period. More than 50 percent of the people polled admitted that alcohol was part of their family gatherings. Many also admitted to taking alcohol in order to ease stress and anxiety of the holiday season.

It is therefore not surprising that the festivities of Christmas and the New Year result in a high number of accidents and DUI’s. Data collected between 2011 and 2015 shows that over 60 percent of auto accident deaths occurring during New Years were a result of drunk drivers.

What to Do When You are charged with a DUI on New Year’s Eve

With the high alcohol intake during New Year’s Eve, it is not surprising that law enforcement are extra vigilant. This is so as to prevent accidents from occurring. Check points are often increased during the holiday season to prevent accidents from occurring.

Starting the year off with a DUI charge is not the best way to get your new beginning. A DUI conviction can have serious repercussions on your year and beyond. You should therefore never underestimate a DUI charge. That is even if this is the first time you have been arrested for the first time under DUI charges. You should instead get in touch with an experienced and reliable DUI attorney soonest.

Importance of Hiring an Experienced DUI Attorney

If you have been pulled over and charged with DUI, you should contact an experienced DUI attorney right away. An experienced professional:

  1. Understands the legal system

DUI attorneys deal with DUI cases on a day to day basis. They have a firm grasp of DUI issues and the laws that surround them.  They also have experience navigating the legal system and are familiar with how it works. They can help you develop an effective strategy to avoid a conviction and the harsh penalties that can result from it. They can also help you get a lighter sentence if convicted.

  1. Negotiate on your behalf

Experienced attorneys have established relationships with prosecutors and law enforcement. They also have a good understanding of the law. They will be in a better position to negotiate on your behalf. They will review your case and determine whether taking a plea deal would be best. They can negotiate with the prosecution to get your charges dropped or reduced. They will know the best approach to take with your case.

  1. Get your license back

In many instances, a DUI charge will result in your license being suspended or revoked. When this happens, you will not be able to drive. An experienced attorney will advocate on your behalf and help you get your driving license back. This will allow you to get back to your day to day activities even while you wait for the outcome of your case.

  1. Help you avoid costly mistakes

It is not uncommon for people to make mistakes when under the influence or when faced with an arrest and charges for the first time. Simple mistakes such as saying you’re sorry to law enforcement after being arrested can have serious repercussions on your case. An experienced DUI lawyer can advise you on what to do and what to avoid. They can help ensure that you avoid mistakes that will have a negative impact on your case.

  1. Give you peace of mind

When you have an experienced professional advocating on your behalf, you can have the peace of mind of knowing that your case is in good hands. You will no longer feel stressed about the outcome of your case. You will know the progress of your case and be able to rely on your lawyer to represent you.

Have you been arrested and charged with DUI? Don’t take your charges for granted even if this is your first charge. You should seek the guidance and representation of an experienced DUI attorney. Contact our law firm. We will make an experienced and skilled DUI attorney available to guide you and help get the best outcome from your case.

DUI – What Happens If You Get One

DUI – What Happens If You Get One