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March 3, 2022 | DUI

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Have you been arrested for driving while intoxicated (DWI) or driving under the influence (DUI)? Driving while intoxicated is one of the leading causes of motor accidents in the country. Many of these accidents result in severe injuries while some even have fatal results. It is therefore not surprising that states have stringent laws concerning DUIs. Hiring a DUI attorney can help to reduce the charges against you or the resulting penalties.

Do you need a DUI Lawyer?

Many people that are charged with a DUI make the mistake of representing themselves. They soon learn that DUI cases aren’t as straightforward as they may seem at face value. These cases can become complex quickly. They can also carry hefty fines and penalties. You could end up losing your license or even spending time in prison.

DUI attorneys specialize in assisting individuals that have been charged with a DUI. They will help you better understand the charges that have been brought against you. They will advise you on the best way to approach your case and represent you in court. An experienced attorney can help to reduce the charges against, have the charges dismissed or reduce the penalties or fines you are awarded.

Tips for finding a DUI lawyer

  1. Compile a list of potential DUI attorneys

Start by compiling a list of attorneys to consider for your case. You can identify attorneys by asking for personal recommendations from people you know such as family and friends. You can also find potential attorneys online through the State Bar Association, lawyer membership sites or even just a simple online search.

It is important to note that your list should consist of DUI attorneys only. This means that you should only include attorneys that specialize in this area. It is also important to only include attorneys that are within your locality. This not only ensures that the attorney is easily available to represent you but that they also understand the local legislations and how the local court system works. They will be in a better position to represent you.

  1. Find out more about the attorneys

It is important to choose an attorney that is experienced. They should also have a successful track record.

You can find out a lot about an attorney online. Visit their website to learn about their area of specialization and their educational background. Check the State Bar Association’s website to find out if they are licensed and if there has been any disciplinary action taken against them.

You should also search for reviews from past clients. Don’t limit yourself to reviews on the attorney’s website. Visit independent platforms for a more balanced view of the attorney. Social media, independent web listings and consumer websites are great places to get the information you need.

  1. Take advantage of free consultation

The best way to determine whether a DUI lawyer is right for your case is by meeting them in an in-person consultation. This consultation will give you the opportunity to ask questions and get responses in real time. You will get a feel of the attorney and whether you feel comfortable working with them.

It is important to be upfront during your consultation. Do not try to cover up any facts. This will help the attorney determine the best way to approach the case. They can build a strong defense for you. Choose an attorney that is responsive and that you feel comfortable with. A good working relationship is important for achieving better results.

  1. Consider their fees

Will you be able to afford the DUI lawyer’s fees? This is an important consideration. It is important to choose an attorney that you can afford. A good attorney will be upfront with their rates so you can make an informed choice.

Top attorneys with extensive experience may charge more. This is because of their wealth of experience, great skills and reputation. There are also other factors that may influence the cost of hiring an attorney including legal fees as well as the cost of additional services such as hiring experts.

Avoid choosing an attorney solely based on their fees. Consider other factors such as the level of experience and whether the attorney will be handling your case personally. Some attorneys will offer a lower fee for their services because the case will be handled by a junior associate.


Hiring a DUI attorney to represent and guide you in your DUI case is vital. It could mean the difference between having your charges dropped and facing the long term consequences of a conviction. The tips above provide guidance on choosing a lawyer that will best meet your individual needs and that of your case.

Are you looking to hire a DUI lawyer? Contact us to book an appointment with an experienced DUI lawyer.

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