Coronavirus Update | A Message from Our Omaha Law Firm
March 19, 2020 | Accidents, Adoptions, Business law, Child Custody, coronavirus, Court & Insurance, Divorce, Dog bite
Coronavirus is a serious illness that is sweeping the nation. It has no cure. The virus has even made its way into Omaha and will continue to spread throughout communities rapidly if residents don’t listen to the government’s calls to reduce contact with others.
The president has recommended that residents not gather with more than 10 people at a time. The main concern about the disease is it can lead to death and too many cases at once can overwhelm the hospital systems.
Our Omaha Law Firm is Open and Ready to Help
However, the team at High & Younes is still working. We have ample space in our midtown Omaha location, and everyone has their own office. If you have space and can maintain distance from coworkers, you should be fine. Take care, get plenty of rest, and practice good hygiene.
We will get through this. The global pandemic isn’t stopping the attorneys and staff at High & Younes from assisting new and existing clients seeking help with personal injury, wrongful death, workers’ compensation, family law, and more. We are available in person, over the phone, or via Zoom or Skype. There is no reason to avoid starting your case until this situation is over. Call 402.933.3345 or visit
Here’s what you need to know about the pandemic as we navigate through this difficult time.
What is Coronavirus – Also Known as COVID-19?
The virus is thought to have spread from an animal in a China market to humans, according to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Now the virus is spreading quickly around the world between people who are in close proximity — within about 6 feet. The virus can infect others when a person with the disease coughs or sneezes. It can also be transferred through surfaces that have been infected with COVID-19. For example, a person who touches a doorknob that has remnants of the virus on it can then catch the disease if they touch their eyes, mouth or nose.
The main symptoms of the illness include, fever, cough and shortness of breath, according to the CDC. The symptoms may appear two to 14 days after a person is exposed to coronavirus. What is so dangerous about the illness is people who are not experiencing symptoms may be carrying the virus and spreading it to others.
The majority of young and healthy people who come down with the disease will experience mild to moderate symptoms. But the illness can be deadly, especially to people older than 60 and those with compromised immune systems due to other conditions. People with the worst cases could have pneumonia in both lungs and multi-organ failure, according to the CDC.
Anyone who experienced symptoms associated with coronavirus, should seek medical advice. It is best to communicate with your primary care doctor over the phone before going to an office for treatment. The United States does not have enough testing kits at the moment, so people with mild symptoms may not be tested at all. But it is still important to seek medical help through your doctor or through a telehealth doctor.
Why Have Events been Cancelled or Postponed?
Over the past week, schools have closed and the government has asked people to not go out to social events in an effort to slow the spread of the virus. This is crucial to stopping the spread, but also to help alleviate the stress on the health care system. Hospitals need to be able to treat the most severely infected. Health experts at the CDC fear the health care system will be overwhelmed in the coming weeks. We are already seeing the city prepare for this possibility. In Omaha, local hospitals have decided to postpone non-essential surgeries for 90 days, according to the Omaha World-Herald.
It is disappointing to cancel events, as almost everything has been, and vacations, but it is crucial to protect public health. The federal government has asked people to practice social distancing, which means you should stay six feet away from people and to avoid gatherings. These practices will reduce the likelihood of catching the disease.
It is also important to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with warm soap and water. Sing happy birthday twice. Check out this example of how to wash your hands thoroughly. Also, use disinfectants to clean your house. Make sure you clean any surfaces you come across if you are sick.
Stay safe and stay healthy. If you would like to contact our law firm, we are here for you.

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