Why Should I Hire a Lawyer for a Catastrophic Injury Accident?

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April 13, 2023 | Catastrophic Injury

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When a person is injured as a result of an accident that was caused by another party, they can hold the at-fault party liable for their damages resulting from the accident. This means that they can seek financial compensation for damages such as medical bills and other expenses related to the injuries and accident.

While people are able to experience complete healing from many personal injuries, there are some personal injuries that are life altering. These injuries, also known as catastrophic injuries, change the lives of the victims forever. They may result in organ damage, disfigurement, disability or a lifetime of emotional and physical pain. Dealing with these injuries is complex. Recovering full compensation for these injuries can be complicated. It is advisable to seek the guidance and representation of a catastrophic injury attorney.

Why It is Important to Hire a Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

There are various steps to take in seeking compensation for a catastrophic injury. One of the most important steps to take is hiring a catastrophic injury lawyer. Here’s how this professional can help.

  1. They will level the playing field

Catastrophic injury cases are complex cases that involve large sums in compensation. At-fault parties and insurance companies are going to do all they can to fight your claim. They will arm themselves with a professional team to defend them against the claim and minimize the impact of your claim. If you’re representing yourself, you will be at a great disadvantage. You won’t be in a position to go up against these highly paid legal professionals on your own. When you hire a catastrophic injury lawyer, you will even the playing field and give yourself a fighting chance of recovering fair compensation.

  1. They will fight for fair compensation

One of the most complex parts of seeking compensation for a catastrophic injury case is determining what fair compensation ought to be. Unlike with other personal injury cases, one must consider the future impact of the injuries. For example, the cost of long term care, medical equipment such as wheelchairs as well as the loss of the potential to earn money in the future. This can be difficult to do on your own.

Catastrophic injury attorneys are not only experienced in estimating these expenses but also work with a network of professionals. Professionals such as medical experts and economic experts will help them determine the impact of the injuries in the long term. They will therefore be better able to determine how much you should pursue in compensation.

  1. They will give you access to the necessary resources

Successfully pursuing compensation for a catastrophic injury requires a great deal of resources. You will need to prove negligence as well as fault. This means investigating the accident and providing evidence to demonstrate both negligence and fault. This can be resource intensive.

A catastrophic injury attorney will give you access to the resources necessary to prove your claim. They will provide you with access to resources such as private investigators, medical experts, expert witnesses, accident reports, police reports and much more. They will work to develop the evidence that will support your claim and therefore improve your chances of recovering compensation.

  1. They will handle all aspects of your claim

Dealing with a catastrophic injury isn’t easy. Both the victim and their loved ones must not only come to terms with the impact of the accident but also make adjustments to their lives in order to deal with the hardships that the injury presents. It can be difficult to face the consequences of the catastrophic injury and pursue a claim as well.

A catastrophic injury attorney can help to relieve the burden on your shoulders. They will handle all aspects of the claim so you and your loved ones can focus on your recovery and making adjustments to your new life. Your attorney can deal with the complexities of the case and the legal process so you don’t have to.

  1. They will represent you at trial

While most catastrophic injury claims end with an out-of-court settlement, some cases do end up in trial. If you are unable to reach a reasonable settlement with the at-fault party during negotiations, your case will proceed to trial. When it does, you will have to prepare your case and defend it in front of a judge and jury.

A catastrophic injury attorney will help you put together a convincing case. They will present your case to the court and fight to get a favorable verdict. They will break down the arguments of the defendant and provide evidence to support your claim. They will improve your chances of getting a favorable verdict.

Have you or someone you love suffered a catastrophic injury? You should contact our law firm to schedule consultation with a catastrophic injury lawyer and get started with your case.

Catastrophic Injury Accident Lawyer

Catastrophic Injury Accident Lawyer