Did You Receive A Catastrophic Injury from a Boat Accident?

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May 30, 2023 | Catastrophic Injury

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Taking a cruise or going out on a speed boat can be great fun. That is until an accident occurs. Many people are unaware that boating accidents are actually quite common. In fact, these accidents are very likely to cause catastrophic injuries. The situation is made worse by the fact that getting help after a boating accident can prove to be challenging. It can be difficult to access the victims of the accident quickly enough to ensure that they get the assistance they need. Many accident victims suffer complications as a result.

Causes of Boating Accidents

Boat accidents occur for various reasons. Some of the most common causes of boat accidents include:

  1. Operator inattention

Similar to driving, it is important for the boat operator to pay attention to their surroundings. However, this can be difficult especially when you’ve been out on the water for a long time. Many boat operators begin to feel safe and comfortable out on the open water and fail to pay close attention to their surroundings. Inattention can result in operator errors and make it difficult for the operator to react to danger in time.

  1. Lack of experience

Many boat accidents occur as a result of the lack of experience of the boat operator. Beginners are more likely to make mistakes that can result in an accident.

  1. Reckless operation

This may include operating the boat at high speed or engaging in reckless maneuvers while operating the boat. Others on the water that engage in reckless behavior can also cause boating accidents e.g. operating jet skis recklessly and causing a boating accident.

  1. Use of alcohol or drugs

Operating a boat or other water vessel while intoxicated can result in a boat accident. Drugs or alcohol can impair your senses. This can make it difficult to react in time, appropriately or at all when faced with danger.

Catastrophic Injuries That Can Be Caused By Boat Accidents

Boat accidents can result in various types of injuries. These injuries can range from mild injuries to catastrophic injuries that are life changing. Below are some of the most common catastrophic injuries that can result from a boat accident.

  1. Traumatic brain injuries

These injuries are the result damage to the brain tissues. They are caused by a blow to the head that results in the brain being shaken within the skull causing bruising or damage to the brain. Traumatic brain injuries can range from mild injuries such as concussions that respond well to treatment to catastrophic injuries that are irreversible. Catastrophic traumatic brain injuries are often debilitating. They result in problems with perception, coordination, mood, mobility or speech.

  1. Spinal cord injuries

These are injuries resulting from damage to the spinal cord or the nerves entering or leaving the spin column. These injuries are often the result of trauma or hyperextension to the vertebrae that make up the spinal column. Spinal cord injuries can result in impairments in mobility as well as the inability to control bodily functions. In some case, these injuries can result in paralysis. Spinal cord injuries are irreversible. They therefore have a long term impact on the victim’s life.

  1. Amputation

This includes the loss of a limb or digits. These types of injuries can occur in two ways. The boat accident may result in the severing of the limb or digit or the digit or limb may be removed surgically in order to save the life of the accident victim. These injuries not only have an emotional impact on the victim but also prevent them from carrying out tasks or participating in activities they once did.

  1. Burns

Burns are not only painful but can also result in scars that last a lifetime. This disfigurement can have a lasting emotional and psychological impact on a person. Burns can also result in physical impairment. The victim may not be able to carry out tasks as they once did.

What To Do When You Suffer a Catastrophic Injury in a Boat Accident

If you have suffered a catastrophic injury in a boat accident, you should seek the assistance of an experienced personal injury attorney as soon as possible after the accident. Recovering compensation in cases involving catastrophic injuries can be complex. This is because it can be difficult to determine the true extent of the damages suffered by the victim. Insurance companies are also more likely to resist compensating a victim that has suffered catastrophic injuries because these cases involve large sums of money.

An experienced personal injury attorney will work to help you recover maximum compensation for your injuries and damages. They will handle every aspect of the case so you can focus on you recovery and picking up the pieces. Contact us to schedule free consultation with our experienced attorneys.

Catastrophic Injury from a Boat Accident

Catastrophic Injury from a Boat Accident