Catastrophic Injury Examples
October 6, 2022 | Catastrophic Injury
Accidents can occur in the blink of an eye. While the accident may occur in a split second, the effects of the accident can last a lifetime. If you suffer a catastrophic injury, you will never fully recover from the effects of the accident. However, the long term effects of the injury will differ depending on the type of injury suffered.
Defining Catastrophic Injuries
Catastrophic injuries are injuries that have long lasting or permanent effects. These injuries often involve damage to at least one body system or organ. These injuries have devastating impacts which may include loss in cognitive functions, sensation, movement or other abilities. People that suffer these injuries are often unable to participate in gainful activities in the long term. Seeking compensation for accidents that result in catastrophic injuries is therefore vital for the victims and their loved ones.
Examples of Catastrophic Injuries
Catastrophic injuries come in a wide variety. Some examples of common catastrophic injuries are as outlined below:
Brain injuries
Brain injuries occur when individuals experience a severe blow to the head that results in bruising or other damage to the brain. The effects of brain damage are often long lasting. In many instances brain injuries have unpredictable effects. The effects of a brain injury will depend on the part of the brain that was affects. However, brain damage can have unpredictable effects. Therefore no two cases of brain damage are ever the same.
Some of the effects of brain injuries may include:
- Changes in mood
- Confusion
- Impaired reasoning
- Memory loss
- Impaired cognitive function
- Difficulty talking or understanding
Some victims of brain injuries are unable to care for themselves. Some are forced to stop working as they are unable to carry out the tasks required of them.
Brain injuries often occur as a result of motor vehicle accidents and falls.
Spine Injuries
Spinal cord injuries are just as traumatizing as brain injuries. While these injuries may not affect your cognitive functions, many that suffer spinal cord injuries lose the ability to use one or all of their limbs. There are instances however, where other organs in the body are affected as a result of spinal cord injuries. These include the urinary tract, the lungs and the gastrointestinal system. The effects of the spinal cord injury will depend on the section of the spinal column that is damaged as well as the severity of the damage. For example, damage to the spinal cord in the neck can result in paralysis in all four limbs.
According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most spinal injuries occur as a result of car accidents. Another common cause of spinal injuries is falls.
Severe Burn Injuries
When burns affect a large area and penetrate deep enough to cause long term side-effects, they are considered catastrophic. Burns are categorized based on their severity. First degree burns only affect the outer layer of the skin. Third degree burns are those that involve damage to all layers of the skin. Fourth degree burns are the most severe. They affect the underlying tissues including the muscles, bones and tendons.
Aside from causing severe pain, severe burn injuries can result in scarring for life. They can also result in disabilities. Most severe burn injuries are a result of car accident fires.
These occur when a person loses a limb or a body part as a result of an accident. The amputation may occur during the accident or may be a direct result of the effects of the accident e.g. when it is determined that the limb should be removed for the sake of the health of the victim.
Amputations are devastating. They may result in the victim not being able to return to work. In some cases, the victim may not be able to care for themselves. This can result in a significant economic, physical and emotional burden on the victim and their families.
Organ Damage
Organ damage can have a devastating impact on the victim. Organ damage often occurs as a result of a severe blow or penetration by an object. It can also occur as a result of the application of extreme pressure on a body part. Damage to organs can result in internal bleeding or organ failure. This can be life threatening.
In Conclusion
Suffering a catastrophic injury often means receiving long term treatment. You may also need long term care and may be unable to work. Catastrophic injuries can therefore result in significant medical expenses. They can also result in other long term expenses such as nursing care, medication, medical apparatus, physical therapy, psychological counseling and much more. These injuries can ruin the victim and their love ones financially. It is therefore important for victims and their loved ones to seek compensation for their injuries when they were caused by the reckless or negligent actions of another party.

Catastrophic Injury Examples