Winter Weather and Semi Truck Accidents – Nebraska Attorneys

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December 26, 2023 | Accidents

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A soft blanket of snow over trees, roofs and the ground offers a whimsical feel during winter. However, winter presents various challenges to drivers. As if driving a semi-truck isn’t challenging enough, winter conditions make driving these large vehicles even more challenging. Below, we take a look at the challenges that semi-truck drivers face when driving these vehicles in winter and common types of accidents that these trucks are involved in during this season.

The Challenges that Winter Conditions Present for Driving Semi-Trucks

Winter weather conditions present various challenges for driving semi-trucks. Some of the major challenges semi-drivers face when driving in winter are discussed below:

  1. Slippery surfaces roads

One of the biggest challenges of driving during winter is the slippery roads. Wet, frozen and snowy surfaces are slippery. The reduced traction significantly increases the risk of accidents occurring. Semi-truck drivers find it difficult to maintain control of their vehicles. Braking or taking sharp turns may result in skidding.

  1. Black ice on roads

Black ice is a thin layer of ice that forms on the surface of roads. It is the result of water freezing on the surface of the road. Black ice is particularly dangerous as it results in a slippery surface. It is also difficult to detect visually. Semi-truck drivers often don’t realize that they are driving on black ice until it’s too late. Trucks lose traction and skid on these surfaces.

  1. Fatigue

Truck drivers spend hours behind the wheel. These extended hours of driving can be particularly challenging when driving under winter conditions. The cold temperatures are not only uncomfortable but can also cause drivers to feel even more fatigued. Drivers may also experience fatigue due to the dull weather conditions as well as the increased stress of having to be more alert when driving during winter.

Common Types of Semi-Truck Accidents during winter

Winter weather conditions make driving a semi-truck even more challenging than it usually is. Understanding how semi-truck accidents occur during winter can help drivers avoid these incidents. Below are some of the most common types of semi-truck accidents that occur during winter.

  1. Jackknifing

Slippery road surfaces during winter result in reduced traction. This increases the risk of skidding. When a semi-truck driver attempts to brake suddenly or take a turn at high speed while driving on a slippery surface, the truck and trailer may skid and the trailer may swing out to the side forming an angle with the cab. This can result in a jack-knife collision with other vehicles.

  1. Rollovers

Driving at high speeds on icy or snow-covered roads increases the risk of losing control of the semi-truck. The truck may rollover when it skids and tips over. This may result in extensive damage and catastrophic injuries.

  1. Rear-end collisions

Bringing a semi-truck to a stop under normal conditions is challenging. These trucks require a longer braking distance than smaller vehicles due to their large size and enormous weight. This braking distance is increased significantly when driving on slippery surfaces during winter. When a driver isn’t able to bring the semi-truck to a stop in time, a rear-end collision may occur. These accidents can result in significant damage and injuries because of the weight and momentum of the truck.

  1. Override accidents

These accidents occur when a smaller passenger vehicle slides under the trailer of a semi-truck. These accidents may occur for various reasons. If the smaller passenger vehicle was being driven at high speed, the driver may have lost control of their vehicle and end up sliding under the semi-truck’s trailer. These accidents can also occur when semi-trucks lose control while braking or stopping.

  1. Hazardous material spills

Semi-truck accidents may involve the spilling of hazardous materials such as oils and industrial chemicals. Chemical spills can be hazardous to the environment. These chemicals can also cause damage to property. Hazardous chemical spills may require specialized clean-up efforts.

Talk to an Experienced Semi-Truck Accident Attorney

Semi-truck accidents can occur in a split second. These accidents are especially devastating and complex as they often result in severe injuries and extensive property damage. Recovering compensation for a semi-truck accident can be challenging. There are several reasons for this including:

  • The involvement of complex federal and state laws that apply to the semi-truck industry
  • The involvement of various parties including the truck driver, the trucking company, the trucking company’s client and more.
  • The potentially large settlement to cover significant damage and severe injuries.

If you have been injured in a semi-truck accident, it is vital that you seek the guidance and representation of an experienced semi-truck accident attorney. An experienced and knowledgeable attorney will help to increase your chances of successfully recovering compensation. They will fight to maximize your recovery.

Contact us today to discuss your case with an experienced semi-truck Nebraska attorney from our law firm.

Semi Truck Accidents - Nebraska Attorneys

Semi Truck Accidents – Nebraska Attorneys