The Complexities of Brain Injuries from a Work Accident

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May 21, 2024 | Accidents

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Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are some of the most complex cases as far as personal injury cases are concerned. The brain is an especially complex organ. Even what appears to be a minor injury can turn out to be a catastrophic injury with long-term complications. These injuries can be life-altering and their impact differs from person to person. In this blog, we discuss occupations at highest risk of suffering traumatic brain injuries and why these injuries are challenging to resolve.

Top 6 Occupations at Risk of Sustaining Traumatic Brain Injuries

  1. Construction workers

Construction sites are inherently dangerous places to work. They are full of hazards that create opportunities for accidents that would result in TBIs. Construction workers can suffer TBIs as a result of accidents such as falls from heights, being struck by objects or even accidents involving heavy machinery. While wearing a hard hat helps to protect the head it does not provide complete protection.

  1. Military personnel

Working in the military exposes military personnel to a wide range of dangers. Risks are present when military personnel are engaged in combat as well as during training exercises. Various activities away from the work and training can also expose these workers to TBIs. Military personnel can suffer TBIs as a result of explosions, severe penetrating injuries from gunfire or shrapnel, falls from height or even a knock to the head during hand-to-hand combat.

  1. Athletes

People that engage in sports are always at risk of being injured. However, some sports present greater risk of injury than others. These include sports like boxing, soccer, American football and rugby. Despite advances in safety equipment and regulations to protect players, athletes are still susceptible to brain injuries. Injuries may occur as a result of knocks to the head by objects such as balls, falls from height or impact in full-contact sports.

  1. Warehouse workers

Warehouses, like construction sites, are inherently dangerous places to work. Whether it is manufacturing, shipping or retail, workers in warehouses are exposed to high risk of suffering TBIs. They may suffer these injuries as a result of objects falling from height, slip and fall accidents or even accidents with heavy machinery used in the warehouse.

  1. Transportation workers

Workers in the transport industry are at constant risk of injury. These include pilots, truck drivers, bus drivers, taxi drivers and even train operators. These works can suffer TBIs as a result of collisions and other types of vehicular accidents.

  1. Emergency responders

Emergency responders including police officers, firefighters and paramedics are faced with hazards on a daily basis. The risk of suffering a TBI as an emergency responder is high. Emergency responders may suffer these injuries as a result of various incidents including gun violence, physical violence, environment hazards and motor vehicle accidents.

Type of Traumatic Brain Injuries That can Result in the Workplace

There are various types of TBIs that can occur in the workplace. The most common types of TBIs suffered in relation to the occupations outlined above include:

  1. Concussions

These are TBIs that result from a blow or a jolt to the head. They can range from mild to severe concussions. These injuries can occur as a result of accidents involving falls from height, being struck on the head by an object, accidents involving heavy machinery or equipment, sports accidents and more.

Concussions are particularly difficult to diagnose as their symptoms may not be obvious immediately after the accident. Symptoms of concussions include headaches, dizziness, confusion, nausea and sensitivity to light and noise.

  1. Contusions

These are TBIs that involve bruising of the brain tissue. They typically occur as a result of direct impact to the head. These injuries can occur as a result of accidents involving being struck by a heavy object or accidents involving heavy machinery or equipment. They can also be the result of the impact of a high speed accident. Contusions can range from mild to severe.

Symptoms of this type of injury differ depending on the severity of the injury. They may include mild headache, dizziness and impairment of functions such as speech and cognition.

  1. Penetrating injuries

These injuries are often catastrophic. They involve penetration of the skull and brain tissue by an object. The injuries may occur as a result of accidents involving machinery malfunctions, construction mishaps or motor vehicle accidents.

Why Brain Injuries are Complex to Resolve

Resolving TBIs can be especially complex as a result of various factors.

  1. TBIs affect different people in different ways. The symptoms and impact of the injuries manifest in diverse ways.
  2. TBIs are complex injuries. They can result in a combination of physical, cognitive, emotional and social challenges.
  3. TBIs can have long-term consequences. Even mild injuries can have a long-lasting effect on the injured person’s mood, cognitive function and overall quality of life.
  4. The impact of these injuries is difficult to predict. It is therefore difficult to establish clear treatment goals and timelines.

If you or a loved one has suffered a TBI as a result of the reckless or negligent actions of another party, contact High & Younes Attorneys LLC. We are experienced in handling TBI cases. We will fight to recover the financial resources you need to get through this difficult period.

Brain Injuries from a Work Accident

Brain Injuries from a Work Accident