Paralyzed from an Omaha Car Accident – Contact an Omaha Attorney Today
February 8, 2024 | Accidents
Car accidents can change the course of a person’s life in an instant. This is especially true when the accident results in a catastrophic injury such as paralysis. The victim of the car accident may never be able to return to work. They may require life-long treatment and care. Their relationships with the loved ones may also suffer as a result. It is only fair that you seek compensation for your injuries. Below, we take a closer look at the types of paralysis that can occur as a result of a car accident.
Types of Paralysis That Can Occur in a Car Accident
- Quadriplegia
This type of paralysis affects all four limbs as well as the torso. It occurs when the spinal cord is injured in the cervical or neck region. It can be caused by high-impact car accidents where the force of the collision affects the neck area. It can occur due to head-on collisions, rollovers or impacts from the side.
The impact of this type of paralysis on the victim is immense. This is because it results in the loss of sensation as well as motor function in all four limbs. It can also affect the muscles of the chest and the abdomen. Accident victims that suffer injuries resulting in quadriplegia may require extensive medical care. They often require assistance with their day-to-day activities, specialized equipment such as electric wheelchairs and modifications to their living spaces for accessibility. Some victims suffer respiratory problems, bladder and bowel dysfunction, pressure sores and increased susceptibility to infections.
- Paraplegia
This type of paralysis affects the lower half of the body. This includes the legs and sometimes the lower trunk. It can occur as a result of injuries to the thoracic or lumbar regions of the spinal cord. People with this type of paralysis often retain some function in their upper body. However, they may still require mobility aids such as wheelchairs to get around.
Injuries that can result in paraplegia are often caused by accidents such as read-end collisions, T-bone accidents and rollovers.
- Incomplete paralysis
This type of paralysis occurs when the spinal cord or the nerve connections are not completely severed. Individuals with incomplete paralysis maintain some degree of movement or sensation below the level of the injury. The severity of the injury as well as the extent of paralysis will depend on several factors. This includes the location of the injury as well as the extent of damage to the spinal cord or nerves.
Incomplete paralysis can have outcomes that range from mild to severe. They may include mild weakness or sensory loss or significant impairment of movement and complete loss of sensation. The uncertainty and unpredictability of incomplete paralysis can make it challenging for victims to plan for the future. It can also be difficult to adjust to life with ongoing physical limitations.
- Temporary paralysis
This occurs as a result of spinal bruising. It can also be the result of swelling or compression without causing permanent damage to the nerves. While the paralysis is temporary, there are still significant consequences of these injuries. Victims may be required to seek continual medical intervention. This may medication and physical therapy. The uncertainty surrounding the duration and extent of recovery can cause emotional distress and anxiety for both the victim and their loved ones.
Seek Professional Legal Guidance and Representation
It doesn’t matter what type of paralysis you are suffering, the consequences are profound. They affect not only your physical abilities but also your emotional well-being, relationships and financial stability. Medical expenses for treating spinal cord injuries can be high. You also have to consider the costs of rehabilitation, assistive devices and ongoing care.
Given the complexities and challenges associated with dealing with paralysis resulting from a car accident, seeking legal representation from an experienced car accident attorney could be the best thing you do for your case. An attorney specializing in personal injury law can help you navigate the complex legal process. They will advocate for your rights and pursue just compensation for your damages including medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering as well as long term care needs.
An attorney can also help you determine liability for the accident. This is vital in building your personal injury case. Whether it is a defective vehicle component, another driver or unsafe road conditions, your attorney will gather the evidence necessary to support your claim.
Your attorney will relieve you of much of the pressure associated with making a claim for compensation. They will handle every aspect of the case from filing for compensation to negotiating or litigating on your behalf. They will fight to ensure that you receive fair and just compensation for your injuries.
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury resulting in paralysis due to a car accident, get in touch with us. Schedule free consultation and have your case reviewed by an experienced and knowledgeable attorney.

Paralyzed from an Omaha Car Accident