Overturned Truck Accidents – Nebraska Attorneys

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November 7, 2023 | Accidents

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Tractor trailers, also known as semi-trucks or big rigs, are a common feature on the highways that run throughout Nebraska. These large vehicles transport a wide variety of products across the country and are a valuable part of the supply chain. However, they are also one of the leading causes of fatal motor accidents in the country. Accidents involving these large and heavy vehicles often result in severe injuries and more extensive damage than other types of accidents. Below we take a look at why these trucks overturn and common injuries that result from these types of accidents.

Common Reasons Why Tractor Trailers Overturn

Tractor trailers are large vehicles that consist of a cab and a trailer. These vehicles may overturn as a result of:

  1. Driving at excessive speeds

Tractor trailers when loaded properly are relatively stable. However, when driven at high speeds, it becomes more difficult to control the vehicle. The momentum of the large and heavy truck makes it more susceptible to tipping over. This is especially the case when the driver attempts to take a curve at high speed.

  1. Taking curves or turns too quickly

Tractor trailers are long and heavy. Maneuvering around bends requires precision. The driver must slow down and make the turn carefully. Attempting to navigate tight curves or bends too quickly will result in the trailer tipping over due to the momentum.

  1. Poor loading of the trailer

Trailers ought to be loaded properly before the tractor trailer sets off. The cargo should be distributed evenly to ensure even weight distribution. Tractor trailers also have a limit on the weight of cargo that they can safely transport. If the trailer is loaded unevenly or is overloaded it will become unstable and more prone to tipping over.

  1. Poor maintenance

Semi-trucks ought to undergo regular maintenance. Worn tires for example ought to be changed. Worn or poorly inflated tires can have an impact on the stability of the trailer. They can result in uneven weight distribution across the wheelbase making the trailer more susceptible to tipping over. Sudden failures such as tire bursts can also result in overturn accidents.

  1. Inexperience of the driver

Tractor trailer drivers are subjected to more stringent requirements than other drivers. Only drivers with a certain level of driving experience as well as the right training ought to drive these large vehicles. However, it is not uncommon for trucking companies to hire inexperienced or untrained drivers. These drivers may make poor decisions while driving that could result in overturn accidents.

  1. Poor road conditions

Poorly maintained roads can make it harder for semi-truck drivers to maintain control. Roads with potholes, uneven surfaces or debris can increase the risk of an overturn.

Common Injuries Caused by Semi-Truck Overturn Accidents

Semi-truck overturn accidents can result in various types of injuries. Injuries can range from minor to severe. Some can even be fatal. Due to the size and weight of these vehicles, overturn accidents often result in serious injuries. Some of the most common types of injuries in these accidents include:

  1. Head injuries

These occur when occupants are thrown against the interior of the vehicle. Traumatic brain injuries occur when there is trauma to the brain. Head injuries may also occur when an object penetrates the skull and damages brain tissue. Head and brain injuries can range in severity from minor injuries to catastrophic injuries.

  1. Spinal cord injuries

These injuries are life altering injuries. They occur when the spinal cord is damaged due to the force of impact during the accident or extreme bending of the body. These injuries can result in partial loss of function or paralysis in various parts of the body.

  1. Broken bones

Broken bones are a common injury in semi-truck overturn accidents. Bones may break or suffer a fracture due to the force of impact. Victims may suffer broken bones or fractures occurring in the collarbones, ribs, legs and arms.

  1. Internal injuries

Internal injuries include injuries to organs such as the lungs, kidneys, spleen and liver. These injuries may occur as a result of the impact of the accident or when an object penetrates the body and causes damage to internal organs. These injuries are life-threatening. However, they may not always be immediately apparent.

  1. Cuts and lacerations

These injuries can range from minor cuts and bruises to severe life-altering injuries. They are often caused by broken glass and other sharp debris. They can result in significant bleeding and scarring.

The severity and type of injuries suffered in tractor trailer overturn accidents will depend on the speed at which the accident occurred. If you have been injured in a semi-truck overturn accident it is important to seek legal counsel to determine the best approach in fighting for compensation for your damages. Contact us now to schedule free consultation and learn more about how we can help.

Overturned Truck Accidents – Nebraska Attorneys

Overturned Truck Accidents – Nebraska Attorneys