Omaha Amputation Representation – High & Younes Attorneys
December 17, 2024 | Accidents
Amputation injuries are often catastrophic injuries. These injuries that result in the loss of body parts often lead to a lifetime of disability for the victims. They are devastating not only to the victim but also their loved ones.
Amputations can be the result of various types of accidents. Below, we discuss some of the leading causes of amputations. We also discuss why it is important to seek guidance and representation of a seasoned personal injury attorney when filing an amputation injury claim.
Causes of Amputation Injuries
- Motor vehicle accidents
These are one of the leading causes of amputation injuries. They include accidents involving cars, motorcycles, commercial trucks and bicycles. Amputation injuries can be the direct result of the impact of a collision during the accident. Amputations can also be required when a limb is severely damaged. Amputations in motor vehicle accidents may include feet, legs, fingers, arms, ears, toes and other parts of the body.
- Workplace accidents
Workplaces, in particular industrial settings and construction sites, present various hazards to employees. Employers are required to take extra precaution to provide workers with a reasonably safe work environment. Despite this, accidents can still occur. Amputation injuries in work environments can occur as a result of falls, malfunctions with equipment, crushing accidents or even exposure to hazardous chemicals.
- Electrocutions
Electrocutions can result in amputation injuries. This is especially when high voltage electricity is involved. Amputations may be a direct result of the electrocution when high voltage electricity passes through the body and causes a spontaneous traumatic injury. Medical amputations may be required due to severe burns caused by electrocution.
- Diabetes
Diabetes is becoming one of the most common causes of limb amputations in the country. Amputations in diabetes patients may be required when blood vessels and nerves in limbs become damaged due to high blood sugar levels. The reduced blood circulation to the limbs can result in low sensation in the limb, ulceration, infection and eventually gangrene. Medical amputation is required in order to save the patient’s life. Diabetes patients may also suffer other conditions such as Raynaud’s disease and peripheral artery disease which may result in amputation injuries.
- Infections
Severe infections can result in the death of tissue (necrosis). Medical amputation may be required in these cases in order to stop the spread of the infection and save the life of the patient. Infections may occur as a result of injuries, abuse of antibiotics or even underlying medical conditions such as diabetes.
Why You Should Get Professional Omaha Amputation Representation
Amputation injuries can be devastating. They are catastrophic injuries with life-long consequences. The devastation is even greater when these injuries are caused by the negligence or reckless actions of another party. It is imperative that you consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer if you have suffered an amputation injury due to the negligence of another party. You may be entitled to compensation. Below are some of the ways that the amputation injury attorneys at High & Younes Attorneys, LLC can help.
- Assessing your case and legal options
At High & Younes Attorneys, LLC we offer amputation injury victims the opportunity to consult for free with an experienced attorney. Your free consultation is an opportunity to discuss the circumstances of your case with an attorney. Our attorneys will discuss your legal rights and options with you. We will help you identify different options and help you determine the best strategy for your specific circumstances.
- Determining the value of your claim
Amputation injury cases are complex. It can be difficult to determine the true value of an amputation injury claim. Many victims only consider their present expenses and not their long term damages. Our attorneys work with experts in various fields to determine the true damages in the case. We will consider past, present and future damages to ensure you pursue fair compensation.
- Building a strong claim
Most personal injury cases in Omaha require the victim to prove negligence in order to successfully recover compensation. In order to build a strong case, we use our resources and refer to our network of experts to gather evidence. We develop evidence which may include witness testimonies, videos and photos, incident reports, medical reports and expert testimonies to present a strong case.
- Representation
Personal injury claims often involve negotiations with the at-fault party or their insurance provider. Many cases end with an out-of-court settlement. However, some cases end up going to trial. Our attorneys represent our clients throughout the process. We will represent you in negotiations and present your case to the court if needed. We’ll act as a buffer and won’t be intimidated by insurance company antics.
At High & Younes Attorneys, LLC, we’ve been able to recover millions of dollars in compensation on behalf of amputation injury victims. Contact us now to schedule your free consultation and explore your legal options under the guidance of an experienced attorney.

Omaha Amputation Representation