Injured in a Manufacturing Work Accident? This is why You Should Get a Free Consultation with an Attorney

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February 20, 2024 | Accidents

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Manufacturing is the cornerstone of modern society. It drives innovation, economic growth and is the source of income for millions around the country. However, manufacturing is an inherently dangerous industry to work in. it is fraught with hazards and risks. It is not surprising that it is one of the leading industries when it comes to workplace injuries and accidents. In this blog, we discuss common manufacturing work place accidents and why you should seek professional legal assistance when injured at work.

Common Types of Manufacturing Work Accidents

  • Slip trip and falls – These accidents are quite common in the manufacturing industry. They can occur as a result of wet floors, uneven surfaces, clutter in walkways or even inadequate lighting in the workplace. Injuries resulting from slip, trip and falls can range from minor cuts and bruises to severe injuries such as traumatic brain injuries or fatal injuries.
  • Machinery accidents – Many manufacturing facilities feature large and heavy machinery and equipment. These types of equipment pose significant risks if they are not operated properly. Machinery accidents can also occur as a result of faults in the machinery. These faults may be the result of an error in the machine’s production or lack of maintenance.
  • Exposure to chemicals – many manufacturing processes involve the use of hazardous chemicals. Workers may be exposed to these toxic substances through various ways including inhalation, skin contact and ingestion. Workers may experience various problems as a result including burns, respiratory issues as well as long term health issues.
  • Fires and explosions – factors such as the presence of flammable materials, faulty electrical systems and improper handling of combustible substances can result in devastating fires and explosions in manufacturing facilities. These accidents can cause severe injuries and fatalities. They can also result in extensive property damage.
  • Falling objects – There is often a risk of objects falling from heights in manufacturing facilities. Being struck by a falling object can result in head injuries such as concussions. It can also result in death.
  • Repetitive strain injuries – workers in manufacturing are often involved in repetitive tasks, for example those working in assembly line work or operating machinery. These workers are susceptible to repetitive strain injuries. These injuries affect the muscles, tendons and nerves. They often develop over time and can cause chronic pain and disability.

Seek Legal Assistance after a Manufacturing Work Accident

A manufacturing work accident can be physically, emotionally and financially devastating. While the law provides a financial cushion for injured workers through workers’ compensation, it can still be a challenge to recover the compensation that you are due. It helps to have the guidance and representation of an experienced and skilled attorney. Below are some ways that an experienced attorney can help you during this difficult time.

  • Understanding your legal rights and options – navigating the legal complexities surrounding workplace accidents can be overwhelming. This is even harder when you have to deal with your injuries. A knowledgeable attorney can help you understand your rights under workers’ compensation laws. They can also help you explore other avenues for compensation if they are applicable in your case.
  • Preserving evidence – gathering and preserving evidence is crucial in establishing liability. This is important especially when pursuing a third-party liability claim. While workers’ compensation is a no-fault system, you will still need evidence to prove the extent of your injuries. An experienced lawyer knows what evidence to collect. They will also ensure that it is preserved properly. This will strengthen your case significantly.
  • Maximizing compensation – insurance companies and employers may try to minimize payouts following a work-related injury. An experienced attorney can advocate on your behalf and ensure you receive the full compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, disability benefits and pain and suffering. They will also explore other avenues for recovering compensation and help ensure that you receive full compensation.
  • Dealing with insurance companies – insurance companies often prioritize their profits over the interests of those they are meant to compensate. They may try to minimize your claim or deny it altogether. It helps to have legal representation. This will help to level the playing field and ensure that you’re not taken advantage of by insurance adjusters seeking to settle for less than you deserve.
  • Protecting your rights – it is essential to protect your legal rights following a manufacturing work accident. This includes avoiding statements or actions that could jeopardize your claim and ensuring that you’re treated fairly throughout the legal process. An attorney can advocate for your rights and interests every step of the way.

Manufacturing work accidents can have a devastating impact on your physical and psychological health. They can also be financially devastating. Seeking legal assistance after a manufacturing work accident offers numerous benefits including guidance on legal options, navigating complexities of legal processes and protecting your rights. With the help of an experienced attorney, you can increase your chances of obtaining the compensation you deserve and achieving the best possible outcome for your case.

Injured in a Manufacturing Work Accident?

Injured in a Manufacturing Work Accident?