Hand or Finger Amputation from a Work Accident

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March 14, 2023 | Accidents

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If you’re an employee and you have sustained an injury at work that has resulted in the amputation of your finger or hand, you may be facing a long and difficult recovery. For some workers, a finger or hand amputation will mean not being able to return to work in the same capacity. You may not be able to carry out everyday tasks.  Below we discuss workers’ compensation for finger or hand amputation and what you may be entitled to recover.

Workers’ Compensation for Hand and Finger Injuries

If you have suffered the amputation of your finger or hand as a result of a work-related accident, workers’ compensation benefits will cover the cost of medical treatment for the injuries. This includes surgery, medication, physical therapy as well as any other procedure that may be required.

Workers’ compensation will also cover part of your lost wages for the period that you are away from work as a result of your injury. Each state has a schedule for loss compensation for the weeks that an employee will be paid due to these injuries. For example in Ohio, workers will be paid a portion of their wage for up to 175 weeks for a hand injury. However, an injury that results in amputation may be categorized as a disability. In Ohio for example, the amputation of both hands is considered a total disability. The accident victim qualifies for permanent total disability (PTD) benefits. These benefits are payable for life.

Prosthetics After Loss of Fingers or Hands

We’ve all heard of stories of people who have had their fingers re-attached after suffering an amputation. These people are even able to regain the function of their hands after physiotherapy. However, not everyone is so lucky. Many people that suffer amputation of the fingers or hands suffer permanent loss.

If you have suffered permanent loss of your finger or hand, you may be wondering whether you will ever be able to regain use of your hand or be able to carry out tasks that you used to. The good news is that advances in technology have made it possible for amputees to regain a high level of function after the loss of a limb through the use of prosthetics.

Suffering an amputation does not always mean that you will have a prosthetic fitted. Medical experts will instruct and guide you based on the specific needs of your body. However, if you are able to get a prosthetic, you can benefit from:

  • More functionality
  • Improved appearance
  • Reduction in phantom pain

You will be better able to carry out tasks and be more independent. In fact, you may be able to return to work in full capacity following the fitting of a prosthetic.

Improvements in technology are now giving amputees even more options for restoration of functionality. Those that have lost hands or fingers can experience restoration of function through various types of prosthetics. Robotic hands and fingers are now available to restore function and improve appearance. Silicone prosthetics for fingers or hands are also available to improve appearance and restore confidence.

Are Prosthetics Covered By Workers’ Compensation?

This is a question that many accident victims ask. The truth is that prosthetic devices are not cheap. Depending on the technology, prosthetic devices can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. Some of these devices don’t last forever. They need regular maintenance. They may also need to be replaced after a few years. Amputees also need to undergo several sessions of physical therapy to help them learn how to use their prosthetic. The costs associated with prosthetics can add up quickly. You may be faced with costs that ran into tens of thousands.

Workers’ compensation is designed to cover medical treatment. This includes doctor’s visits, the cost of diagnostic tests, medication, surgery and the cost of rehabilitation. In many states workers’ compensation will also cover the costs associated with medical devices. This includes acquiring prosthetics and the cost of rehabilitative sessions to help you learn how to use the prosthetics.

The acquisition of prosthetic devices helps to increase the mobility and use of the limb. This is in accordance with future medical care provided to the injured worker. Future medical costs are also covered by workers’ compensation insurance.

Consult with an Experienced Workers’ Compensation Attorney

If you have lost a finger or hand as a result of a work-related accident, you may be eligible to have a prosthetic fitted and increase your mobility and the functionality of your limb. You can make a workers’ compensation claim to cover the costs related to your prosthetics. If your employer or their insurance provider is questioning your after care needs, it is important to speak with an experienced workers’ compensation attorney. We will help ensure you recover full compensation for your injuries.

Hand or Finger Amputation from a Work Accident

Hand or Finger Amputation from a Work Accident