Find a Brain Injury Attorney in Omaha Nebraska

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August 6, 2024 | Accidents

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Brain injuries or traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are serious injuries that often have long term implications. They are therefore categorized as catastrophic injuries or life-altering injuries. Many victims die from these injuries. Those that survive are faced with long and difficult recoveries. Some never fully recover from the accident. Accident victims often require extensive medical treatments and long-term care and rehabilitation. They may never be able to earn a living. All this can place significant economic strain on the victim and their family. While hiring a brain injury attorney in Omaha, Nebraska may not reverse the effects of the injury, it can help to ensure justice is served and secure the financial future of the family. Below, we take a look at how these injuries occur, their long term implications and why it is important to work with a brain injury attorney.

Types of Accidents that Can Result in Brain Injuries

Brain injuries are injuries that involve damage to nerve cells, bleeding in the brain or swelling in the brain. These injuries occur as a result of a blow to the head, the sudden jolting of the body or head or penetration of the brain by an object. These injuries range in severity from moderate to severe injuries with permanent or long term implications. They include injuries such as concussions, contusions, penetration injuries and more.

There are various types of incidents that can result in these injuries including:

  • Car accidents – these types of accidents often result in traumatic brain injuries due to the forceful impact or sudden movement of the head and body upon impact. Injuries can occur even due to minor collisions.
  • Slip and fall accidents – falls, especially amongst the elderly or in unsafe environments, can lead to severe head injuries. Wet floors, uneven surfaces and poorly maintained properties are common hazards that can result in a person hitting their head during a fall.
  • Workplace accidents – these include accidents involving working with malfunctioning equipment, falls from height or being struck by objects. Workers in environments such as construction sites and factories are at high risk of being involved in accidents that could result in these types of injuries.
  • Sports injuries –those participating in high content sports such as boxing, hockey and football are at high risk of suffering severe brain injuries. Injuries such as concussions can occur as a result of impact or forceful jerking of the body. Such injuries cannot be prevented by simply wearing protective gear.
  • Assaults – Physical assaults can result in brain injuries when they involve direct trauma to the head. Violent encounters including domestic violence or random attacks can result in concussions or other types of brain damage.
  • Motorcycle accidents – a motorcycle rider’s body is exposed to the full impact of an accident. They are therefore at significant risk of suffering traumatic brain injuries. This is despite wearing a helmet.

Long-Term Implications of Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can have far-reaching and long-term implications. These include:

  • Cognitive impairment: Victims may suffer memory loss, have difficulty concentrating and experience impaired judgment. These impairments can affect daily functioning and their ability to perform routine tasks.
  • Physical impairment: Some brain injuries can result in partial or total physical impairment. They may affect the victim’s mobility, coordination or both. Victims may suffer paralysis, muscle weakness and coordination problems. They may require ongoing physical therapy and rehabilitation.
  • Emotional and behavioral changes: accident victims may experience mood swings, depression, anxiety and other emotional disturbances. Brain injuries can alter a person’s personality leading to increased irritability, aggression and/or emotional instability.
  • Chronic pain and headaches: Victims may suffer persistent headaches and chronic pain. These symptoms can be debilitating, affecting quality of life and the ability to engage in regular activities.
  • Financial strain: The cost of medical care, rehabilitation and lost wages can place a significant financial burden on the victims and their families. Long-term treatment and the inability to work can lead to mounting medical bills and economic hardship.

Why Hire a Brain Injury Attorney?

Navigating the aftermath of a brain injury can be overwhelming. Here’s what the experienced brain injury attorneys at High and Younes, LLC can provide:

  • Expertise in brain injury cases: our attorneys have handled numerous brain injury cases. We have knowledge and experience to handle the complexities of these types of cases. We understand the intricacies of these cases and will advocate for your rights effectively.
  • Maximizing compensation: our attorneys will work to ensure you receive fair compensation for past and future medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, lost income, pain and suffering. We will accurately calculate the full extent of your damages including future medical needs and loss of earning potential to ensure fair compensation.
  • Representation: We will negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf to secure fair settlement. We will fight in court if necessary for a favorable outcome and ensure justice is served.

Brain injuries can be life-altering. If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury in Omaha, Nebraska, don’t hesitate to contact High and Younes, LLC to schedule free consultation with our expert attorneys.

Find a Brain Injury Attorney in Omaha Nebraska

Find a Brain Injury Attorney in Omaha Nebraska