Car Accident Omaha – What Should I Do Now

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September 24, 2021 | Accidents

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Car accidents can happen in an instant, but they can result in injuries and damage that lasts a lifetime. Unfortunately, the number of car accidents in Nebraska continues to increase as more people get on the road. Motor vehicle fatalities increased by 14 percent in March 2020 compared to March 2019 according to a new National Safety Council report.

There’s therefore a good chance that you will be involved in an accident if you’re driving on a public road in Nebraska no matter how careful a driver you are. If this happens, there are several things you should do to protect your health and legal rights.

  1. Ensure your safety

The first thing you should do following a car accident is ensure your safety. If your car is still in motion following the collision, pull over to the side of the road or any other safe location. It doesn’t matter whether you were at fault or not. If you drive away, you put yourself at risk of being prosecuted for a hit-and-run.

Check if you or your passengers are injured. You should also check if other parties such as pedestrians or the driver of the other car are injured.

  1. Call emergency services

If anyone is injured, be sure to call emergency services. You should do this even if the injuries seem minor. Dizziness, for example, may not seem serious but it could be a sign of a more serious injury such as a brain injury from the sudden movements.

When you call emergency services, both an ambulance and the police will be sent to the scene. The police will take photos of the scene and take down valuable information from the drivers and witnesses at the scene. The police will prepare an accident report which will be a vital piece of evidence in determining who is at fault.

If there are no injuries, you should still get in touch with the police. If the accident is a minor one, you may want to consider reporting the accident later. You should report the accident to the Nebraska Department of Roads within 10 days.

  1. Gather information

If you’re in a condition to do so, gather information immediately after the accident. This information should include the other driver’s full names, address, phone number and insurance information. Note the license plate numbers as well as the make and model of the car.

You should also take the contact information of witnesses to the accident and record videos of their account of the event if you have a smartphone. Take photos and video recordings of the scene of the accident, the vehicles as well as your injuries.

  1. Seek medical attention

It is important to seek medical treatment as soon after the accident as possible. If your injuries aren’t serious and don’t warrant going to the hospital in an ambulance, you can visit a healthcare facility on your own.

The medical report on your injuries following the accident will be a critical piece of evidence when you file for a claim. It will show the damage caused by the accident and how severe your injuries are. Be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions to avoid making the injury worse.

It is important to have a medical examination even if you think your injuries aren’t serious. Some injuries may manifest days after the accident. It would be difficult to show that such an injury was the result of the accident if you failed to get a medical examination right after the accident to identify any issues.

  1. Consult with a personal injury attorney

Nebraska follows a ‘fault’ system when it comes to personal injures including car accidents. You can therefore hold the at-fault drive liable to pay for your personal injury as well as for property damages. This means filing a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company.

While it may seem like a straightforward process, filing claims for personal injuries in car accidents often gets complicated. Car insurance companies will do all they can to avoid paying you a large sum of money or anything at all. The process can be very frustrating and can cause you a lot of mental anguish.

If you want to improve your chances of recovering compensation, consult with a personal injury attorney. An experienced attorney has the skills, qualifications and experience to get you the best results. They will examine your case, carry out investigations and negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. They will fight to get you maximum compensation.

Get in touch with High & Younes LLC to gain access to the services of a seasoned attorney and enjoy free consultation. We work on contingency fee basis. That means we only get paid when we win.


The steps you take following a car accident can either make or break your claim for compensation. Follow the steps outlined above to improve your chances of getting maximum compensation for a car accident caused by another party.

