Brain Injury Accident Cases Omaha – High & Younes LLC
March 11, 2025 | Accidents
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are categorized as catastrophic injuries. This is because the often lead to lasting physical, cognitive and emotional impact on the victim. These injuries can occur as a result of various incidents including slip and fall accidents, motor vehicle collisions, workplace accidents and even medical malpractice. Unlike injuries affecting other parts of the body, brain injuries can be life-altering and unpredictable. These injuries are not fully understood, making cases involving them complex to navigate.
At High & Younes, LLC, we understand the complexities of brain injury cases. We provide victims and their families support and guidance to recover compensation and secure justice. Below, we explore brain injuries and why you need to have an attorney representing you as you seek compensation.
Common Types of Brain Injuries
Brain injuries vary in severity, symptoms and their long-term effects. Below are some of the most common types of brain injuries that individuals may sustain in accidents.
- Concussion
This is one of the most common types of traumatic brain injuries. It is considered a mild injury. However, victims may experience serious long term consequences. This type of injury occurs as a result of sudden impact or blow to the head or a sudden jolt to the body causing the brain to move and impact the inner surface of the skull. Concussions can result in a wide variety of symptoms including headaches, dizziness, confusion, memory loss and sensitivity to light and sound.
One of the biggest challenges of dealing with concussions is that the symptoms are not always obvious. In fact, a victim can be injured but be wide awake and appear normal. In many cases, these injuries heal within a few weeks. However in some cases, such as when there are repeated concussions, they can result in a chronic condition such as post concussion syndrome.
- Brain contusion (bruising of the brain tissue)
A brain contusion occurs when the brain is bruised as a result of direct trauma. This type of injury occurs when the brain is struck and bruised. The brain experiences swelling and bleeding. The injury can be the result of a direct blow to the head or a jolt that causes the brain to impact the inner surface of the skull causing tissue damage.
Symptoms of brain contusion injuries vary. They may include headaches, loss of consciousness, swelling, sensory problems including ringing in the ears or blurred vision, cognitive problems including concentration or memory problems as well as mood changes. Surgical treatment may be required to relieve pressure on the brain from swelling or to stop bleeding.
- Diffuse Axonal Injury (DAI)
This is a severe brain injury. It occurs when the brain shift or rotates and the nerve fibers (axons) tear or stretch. This type of injury often occurs as a result of high speed car accidents, severe falls and violent encounters such as shaken baby syndrome.
Symptoms of this injury vary widely. They include drowsiness, balance problems, confusion, headaches, nausea, sleeping issues and vomiting. Victims may also suffer from prolonged unconsciousness or a coma. Others suffer significant cognitive impairments.
- Penetrating brain injury
As the name suggests, these types of injuries are experienced when an object pierces brain tissue. The object may be a foreign object such as shrapnel, bullet or sharp debris that penetrates the skull and pierces the brain. It may also be internal such as a skull fragment that penetrates the brain tissue.
These injuries are amongst the most severe types of brain injuries as the damage to the brain can be irreversible. Victims may suffer issues with speech, motor functions and their cognitive abilities. In many cases, victims require immediate surgical intervention.
Why Legal Representation is Crucial in Brain Injury Cases
- Comprehensive case assessment
Brain injuries are complex. Their long term impact isn’t always immediately apparent. Working with a skilled and experienced attorney helps to ensure you consider the possible long term impact of the injuries. They work with medical professionals to assess the full scope of damages to ensure you are adequately compensated.
- Evidence collection and expert testimony
It is important to provide evidence that supports your claim. A qualified attorney will gather and analyze critical evidence to prove the severity of the injuries and establish liability.
- Negotiating with insurance companies
Catastrophic injuries often attract larger amounts in compensation. Insurance companies therefore often try to minimize payouts. Without an attorney, victims may face challenges in securing adequate compensation. It helps to have the representation of an attorney with experience in negotiating with insurance companies. Your attorney will fight to recover just compensation.
- Litigation support
While many cases end with an out-of-court settlement, some cases make it to trial. These cases require aggressive representation to prove negligence and secure full compensation for damages.
High & Younes, LLC has a proven track record of representing brain injury victims successfully. Contact us today to schedule free consultation with an attorney from our law firm.

Brain Injury Accident Cases Omaha