DUI Attorney Near Me
April 28, 2022 | DUI
Have you been charged with driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs or alcohol? DUI is considered a serious criminal offense in Nebraska. A conviction for a DUI charge will result in a criminal record. Depending on whether this is a first time offense or if you have been charged repeatedly with the same offense you will face the possibility of imprisonment, hefty fines, and having your license revoked amongst various other punishments.
A DUI conviction can have a negative impact on your life and your family in the long term. For example, you may lose your visitation or custody rights and may therefore not be able to see your children for a long time. It is difficult to secure a job with a criminal record. Your housing options may also be limited when you have a criminal record.
What an Omaha DUI Lawyer Can Do For You
With so much at stake, it’s critical that you seek professional legal guidance and representation. The following are some ways that a DUI attorney can help in your case.
- Advise you
The decisions you make after being arrested and charged with a DUI are critical for the outcome of your case. A simple action such as engaging in small talk with a police officer or anyone else while at the police station could be the key to your conviction. A DUI attorney will help you avoid these situations by advising you on what to do and what to avoid. They will advise you to keep your mouth shut and stay away from social media in order to avoid making costly mistakes. They will review your charges and the evidence presented to support them in order to devise the best strategy for your case.
- Handle the paperwork including filing
There’s a lot of paperwork involved in a DUI case. It is not only important to ensure that the paperwork is done properly but also filed in good time. For example, there are several motions that may need to be filed in your case. An experienced attorney will know what needs to be done and how to do it right. They will also ensure that the filings are submitted before the deadlines. This is something that will most likely elude you if you are not a legal professional familiar with the requirements of the law.
- Build a strong defense on your behalf
An experienced attorney will help build a strong case on your behalf. Your attorney will review the charges and the evidence against you. They will investigate your case and craft a strategy for defense. They will gather the evidence to support your defense including the police dashcam footage, traffic camera footage and much more. They will use their resources to build a strong defense and help to get the charges dropped or reduced.
- Defend your rights
An experienced attorney has a good understanding of the Omaha legal system. They will know the best approach to take when presenting your case before a specific judge or going up against a certain prosecutor. They will defend your case to get your charges dropped or to have your penalties reduced. You will have a better outcome in your DUI case when you have a legal professional defending your rights.
- Negotiate with prosecutors
There are instances where a plea bargain may be the best option for a DUI case. In these instances, an experienced DUI attorney will approach the prosecutor to negotiate a plea bargain. They may also approach the prosecutor to have your charges reduced or to negotiate for an alternative penalty to jail time.
An experienced attorney will have the knowledge and skills required to negotiate effectively. In fact, there are not many prosecutors that will consider negotiating with a defendant that does not have professional legal representation. You would therefore be missing out on a great opportunity by not hiring a DUI lawyer.
- Work to get your conviction expunged
If you have already been convicted of a DUI charge, all hope isn’t lost. A DUI lawyer can help you get your conviction expunged. Expungement will ensure that your record will no longer affect your credit, employment opportunities or other aspects of your life. Expungement will mean that your criminal record will no longer be discoverable to the public.
The process of getting a criminal record expunged is incredibly specific and can be quite complex. However, an experienced attorney can help you navigate this process successfully. You can have your freedom and your future back with the help of an experienced DUI attorney.
Have you been charged with a DUI? It’s critical that you get in touch with an experienced DUI attorney as soon as possible. Contact us for consultation with an experienced and skilled Omaha DUI attorney and improve the outcome of your case.

DUI Attorney Near Me