Neck Injury Car Accident

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January 5, 2022 | Accidents

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Car accidents are one of the leading causes of neck injuries in the US. However, many neck injuries resulting from car accidents go untreated resulting in chronic pain, long term suffering or even disability. It is important to seek compensation for a neck injury caused by a car accident. Contact us to speak to an experienced car accident attorney.

How neck injuries occur

The neck is a vulnerable part of your body. However, vehicles do not provide any protection for the neck in the event of a collision. Unlike your torso, your head and neck remain unrestrained. When a collision occurs, your head and neck are jerked back and forth by the force of the impact. Your head and neck may also be jerked to one side or be hit by flying debris. These rapid and forceful movements cause strains to the muscles, tendons and nerves within the cervical spine. This can result in serious injury.

Symptoms of neck injuries after a car accident

Many victims of car accidents suffer neck injuries. However, some are unaware of the injuries until two or even four weeks later. If you have been involved in a car accident, it is important to look out for the following symptoms of a neck injury.

  • Neck pain
  • Neck stiffness i.e. being unable to turn your head side to side
  • Dizziness
  • Pain radiating down to the shoulders and arms
  • Headaches
  • Tingling or numbness

It is important not to ignore any of the symptoms listed above especially after a car accident. You may have suffered any of the neck injuries listed below:

  • Whiplash

This is one of the most common car accident neck occurs when the neck is jerked forward and backward forcefully. The forceful motion results in neck straining, tears and damage to the muscles, nerves, ligaments and other connective tissues in the neck. It is a common injury in rear end collisions. Victims experience chronic pain, headaches and some even have memory issues.

  • Herniated or slipped disc

The impact of a collision can result in the intervertebral discs between the cervical vertebrae to slip out of place. This results in compression on the nerve. Victims suffer pain, tingling, weakness and numbness. The symptoms may spread to the shoulders, hands, arms and fingers.

  • Fractures

This is a severe injury and causes a lot of pain. It can result in paralysis if you do not receive medical attention immediately.

Settlements for Car Accident Neck Injuries

The actual amount that is awarded for a neck injury resulting from a car accident depends on various factors. Every case is in fact unique. Even similar cases can result in completely different settlements being awarded. It is therefore important to talk to an experienced car accident attorney. Your attorney will assess your case and estimate how much your case is worth.

Some of the factors that will be considered in determining the settlement for your neck injury include:

  • The nature of your neck injury

There are various types of neck injuries. These injuries can also range in severity. Severe injuries often have a long term impact on the victim’s life. You may suffer paralysis that will prevent you from engaging in income generating activities and take away your joy of life. Severe injuries therefore often attract higher compensation.

  • The medical treatments required

Your compensation should cover the cost of medical treatment. The types of medical treatments required are often a reflection of the seriousness of your injury. Sprains and strains may only require wearing a brace for a few weeks. More severe injuries such as a slipped disc or fractured vertebrae may require surgical intervention and extended hospital stays. You may even need long term treatment including physical therapy sessions. Injuries that require extensive medical treatment attract higher settlements.

  • Lost income

How has the injury affected your ability to work? Some injuries will require you to take time off work for a few weeks. Others may require extended absence from work. More severe injuries may result in your inability to return to work. The compensation ought to cover your lost wages or the loss of your ability to earn a living.

There are also other damages that are considered in estimating car accident settlements. These include pain and suffering from the car accident. These are more difficult to quantify and are often subjective.

The best way to determine how much your case is worth is to speak to an experienced car accident attorney. Car accident lawyers will use their experience and knowledge of the law to estimate how much your case is worth. This estimate however, is only a guide. It will help when negotiating for a settlement. You can avoid a low ball settlement.

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, get in touch with us to speak to an experienced car accident attorney.

Neck Injury Car Accident

Neck Injury Car Accident