Why Should I Get a Grand Island Attorney for Workers Compensation?

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October 2, 2021 | Workers' compensation

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Work-related injuries and illnesses can be a source of unimaginable stress for workers. You could end up being out of work for days, weeks, or even permanently. Not only do you have to deal with the pain and trauma resulting from the injury but also the mounting medical bills and day-to-day expenses.

Workers’ compensation is designed to provide injured workers with a cushion during difficult times. While monetary compensation will not reverse the injury or its consequences, it will help to ease the financial burden you face following a work-related injury or illness.

The claims process in Grand Island, Nebraska is designed to be a simple and straightforward way for workers to get compensation for work-related injuries promptly. Thus, many workers attempt to seek compensation on their own. However, even the most straightforward case can easily become complex. Working with an experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can help to sort things out more smoothly.


Why you should hire a workers’ compensation attorney

  • Workers’ compensation lawyers are affordable

Many workers file their workers’ compensation claims on their own because they think hiring an experienced lawyer will be costly. However, this is not the case. Many workers’ compensation lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you will not pay out of your own pocket for their services. They will instead get their fee as a percentage of the compensation you receive. If you’re not awarded compensation, they won’t be paid. You therefore don’t lose anything by hiring a workers’ compensation attorney.

  • Hiring a lawyer will help to maximize your benefits

There are many factors considered in determining how much you should receive as workers’ compensation. These include your average weekly income, the severity of your injury and the cost of your treatment. Insurers and employers will do their best to minimize their losses. This often results in injured workers being paid less than they deserve.

A seasoned workers’ compensation attorney knows how insurers and employers do things. They will evaluate your case and move to get maximum benefits. They will not only seek workers’ compensation from your employer but also help you claim any other benefits that you may be entitled to, such as Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits.

  • Hiring a lawyer evens the playing field

Employers and insurance companies will work to protect their own interests. This includes avoiding losses whenever possible. They hire attorneys to represent them in claims cases filed against them by injured workers. Facing these lawyers without their own representation can be intimidating for workers.

Hiring an experienced attorney will help to even the playing field. An experienced attorney understands workers’ compensation law. They have experience dealing with insurance companies and employers. They will not be intimidated and will know the best way to approach your case.

  • Your Grand Island lawyer will work to protect your legal rights

Workers’ compensation laws aren’t written in plain language. There are many complex terms that regular people may not understand. It can be easy for an insurer to take advantage of an injured employee’s lack of understanding. A simple and straightforward case can quickly become complex if you don’t understand the law.

An experienced attorney will fight to protect the legal rights of their client. Your lawyer will protect you from missing benefits available to you that the insurer may not disclose.

  • Your lawyer will represent you

Appearing for negotiations with insurance companies or in court can be uncomfortable for an injured worker. Not only are you likely still in pain from your injuries but you may also feel intimidated by the legal process. It can be quite a relief to have a lawyer who will step in and act on your behalf.

Your lawyer will handle communication with the insurance company on your behalf. They will negotiate a settlement for you and represent you in the courtroom. That leaves you free to focus fully on your recovery.

  • An experienced lawyer will protect your future

Many workers are only concerned with meeting their immediate needs when they file a workers’ compensation claim. They fail to consider their future needs.

An experienced attorney will not only help you get benefits you are entitled to for your present needs but will also help ensure your future needs are considered and addressed. For example, if you are planning to file for additional benefits such as Medicare, Social Security Disability, or other medical benefits, your attorney will make sure any settlement is drafted to coordinate with your other claims.


Workers’ compensation is designed to help get injured workers back on their feet after a work injury. It helps ease the financial burden resulting from the injury. Hiring a Grand Island workers’ compensation attorney will help to maximize your benefits and make the claims process go more smoothly for you.

If you’re searching for a seasoned workers’ compensation attorney in Grand Island, Nebraska (NE), get in touch with us. We’ll fight to protect your rights.

Call 402-933-3345 for more information.