Nursing Home Abuse in IA or NE – Contact High & Younes Attorneys for Compassionate Help

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May 16, 2024 | Nursing Home Negligence

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Making the decision to place a loved one in a nursing home isn’t easy. We do so with the trust that their needs will be met. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. There are instances when those under the care of nursing homes suffer injuries due to negligence and mistakes made by those charged to care for them. Fortunately, the law in Nebraska makes it possible to recover compensation for damages suffered.

Nursing Home Abuse versus Nursing Home Neglect

The terms nursing home abuse and nursing home neglect are often used interchangeably. They however are distinct in their meaning. Nursing home abuse is defined as an intentional act resulting in harm to a resident of a nursing home. These intentional acts can take various forms including kicking, hitting or even slapping a resident. Abuse is not always physical. It can also be psychological and take the form of yelling or inflicting other forms of emotional distress such as withholding food or medication. Abuse can also include unwanted sexual touching or taking advantage of a resident financially.

Nursing home neglect on the other hand involves failure to provide proper care or meet the needs of the nursing home residents. This can take various forms including failing to hire sufficient staff to care for the residents, failing to maintain hygienic conditions at the nursing home or even not meeting the medical needs of the residents.

Signs That Your Loved One Is A Victim of Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect

Nursing home abuse and neglect cases are more common than many think. However, it is often the case that family members are surprised to discover that their loved one is a victim of abuse or neglect. In many cases, elderly residents are too afraid, embarrassed or unable to report the abuse or neglect. Family members often discover abuse or neglect when a disaster has occurred. It is therefore vital to be able to identify the signs of abuse or neglect early. Some of the most common signs of nursing home abuse and neglect include:

  • Unexplained injuries such as broken bones, cuts and bruises
  • Bedsores or pressure ulcers
  • Dirty or soiled clothes and beddings
  • Unexplained and sudden weight loss
  • Signs of dehydration
  • Sudden and unexplained changes in mood or behavior
  • Residents appear anxious or afraid especially in the presence of nursing home staff
  • Unexplained changes in wills and other similar documents
  • Unusual withdrawals of money from bank accounts.

If you suspect that your loved one is a victim of neglect or abuse at the nursing home where they live it is important to ensure the safety of your loved one. You should seek medical attention on behalf of your loved one right away. A medical examination will not only ensure your loved one receives the medical care they need but also reveal evidence of neglect and abuse.

You should then report the abuse to the proper authorities. In Nebraska, you can report the case to the administrator of the nursing home facility or the local law enforcement. You may also want to report the case to the Nebraska Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program if you intend to file a complaint.

If you have noticed signs of nursing home abuse or neglect, you can schedule free consultation with the attorneys at High & Younes, LLC. We have decades of experience in handling nursing home abuse and neglect cases. We know the impact that abuse and neglect can have on the victim as well as their loved ones. We can help you fight for justice and ensure that those responsible for your loved one’s sufferings are held accountable.

Signs of Emotional Abuse

Nursing home abuse isn’t always physical. It can also be psychological or emotional. Cases of emotional abuse can take different forms including:

  • Humiliation
  • Threats of violence
  • Ignoring the resident
  • Ridiculing, demeaning or blaming the resident
  • Mocking the resident
  • Isolating the resident and preventing them from participating in social activities

Unlike with physical abuse, the signs of emotional abuse aren’t always readily recognizable. Many cases go unreported because of this. Some signs of emotional abuse to look out for include:

  • Drastic and unexplainable weight loss
  • The resident avoiding eye contact
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Low self esteem
  • Changes in sleeping or eating patterns
  • Unexplained changes in mood or behavior e.g. depression, hopelessness, being shy and withdrawn
  • Anxiety or fear especially in the presence of nursing home staff

Seeking Justice on Behalf of Nursing Home Abuse Victims

Nursing home abuse can have a devastating impact on the victim as well as their loved ones. These facilities have a duty of care towards their residents. If they fail to meet their duty of care, nursing homes can be held accountable. The team at High & Younes, LLC can help seek justice on behalf of your loved one. Contact us today to schedule consultation with an experienced attorney and learn about your rights and options.

Nursing Home Abuse in IA or NE

Nursing Home Abuse in IA or NE