Omaha Workers Compensation Claims

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5. What is my workers’ compensation claim worth? Omaha, NE

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8. What if the workers' compensation accident was my fault? Omaha, NE

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11. What can a Nebraska worker's compensation attorney do for me? Omaha, NE

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17. What is the workers' compensation process in Nebraska?

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20. What benefits can I receive in a workers compensation case? Omaha NE

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December 21, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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Workplace accidents can result in serious injuries requiring the injured worker to seek medical treatment. Injured workers may be unable to return to work for some time following the injury. Work related injuries can put a heavy economic burden on the shoulders of the injured as well as their families. Workers compensation offers workers with financial relief when they suffer a work-related injury or illness.

Common Causes of Workplace Injuries

Employers are required by law to provide their workers with a reasonably safe work environment. While many employers strive to ensure the safety of their workers, accidents still do occur. Workplace injuries can occur as a result of various causes. Many are related to specific hazards while others are related to activities in particular work environments. Some of the most common causes of work-related injuries include:

  • Repetitive movements

This is one of the most common causes of workplace injuries. Performing repetitive tasks such as when working on an assembly line or even spending hours typing can result in repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome or tendonitis.

  • Slips , trips and falls

Dangerous conditions such as slippery floors, cluttered spaces, uneven surfaces or even poor lighting can result in slip, trip and fall accidents. These are amongst the leading causes of workplace injuries.

  • Overexertion and muscular stress

Workers can suffer overexertion or muscular stress as a result of having to lift, carry, pull or push heavy objects without the right equipment. Workers can suffer strains, sprains and various other musculoskeletal injuries.

  • Faulty equipment

Working with faulty or poorly maintained equipment can result in serious workplace injuries. This is especially true in environments such as construction sites and industries. Faults in equipment can be the result of an error during manufacture or in design of the equipment or even due to poor maintenance.

  • Exposure to hazardous chemicals

Workers can become ill or suffer injuries as a result of exposure to dangerous chemicals such as acids, noxious fumes and more. Workers may be exposed to in several ways including working in confined spaces or in the event of a chemical spill. Exposure is more likely while working without the proper personal protective equipment or when working under poor conditions such as in a room without ventilation.

Types of Workplace Injuries

Workers suffer a wide variety of injuries. Some of the most common types of workplace injuries include:

  • Strains and sprains

These are musculoskeletal injuries that occur as a result of lifting, pushing or pooling heavy objects without the right equipment or with poor posture. These injuries often affect areas such as the neck, back, hips, legs and joints.

  • Repetitive stress injuries

These injuries occur as a result of engaging in repetitive tasks in the workplace. Examples of repetitive stress injuries include tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome.

  • Cuts and lacerations

Cuts occur when a sharp object causes injury to the soft tissue on the body. Cuts can range from mild to severe depending on the amount of damage suffered.

  • Burns

These occur as a result of being exposed to heat including hot surfaces, hot liquids or open flames. These injuries can also occur as a result of exposure to certain chemicals. Burns can be catastrophic when they cause permanent scarring and affect the deeper tissues.

  • Fractures and broken bones

These injuries can occur as a result of falls, working with faulty equipment or even in car accidents. These injuries often take several weeks or even months to heal depending on the level of damage suffered and the condition of the victim.

Types of Benefits Workers Compensation Provides

Most states require employers to take workers’ compensation to cover their employees in case of workplace injuries. Workers’ compensation provides various benefits to employees who are injured or suffer an illness as a result of their work activities. Some of the common types of benefits available through workers’ compensation include:

  • Medical expenses

This caters for the cost of medical treatment related to the workplace injury or illness. It covers expenses such as doctor’s visits, surgeries, hospitalization, physical therapy, medical equipment and more.

  • Temporary disability benefits

This covers a portion of the wages an injured employee loses when they are unable to return to work while recovering from a work-related injury or illness.

  • Permanent disability benefits

Injured workers are entitled to these benefits when their work-related injury or illness results in permanent disability or impairment. The amount given and the duration that these benefits are available will depend on the severity of the disability.

  • Vocational rehabilitation

These benefits are available when the work-related injury or illness prevents the worker from returning to their previous job. These benefits can cover the cost of education, job training or any assistance required to help the injured worker find suitable alternative employment.

  • Death benefits

A worker’s survivors may apply for death benefits if the worker dies as a result of work-related injuries. These benefits cover the cost of burial expenses and provide ongoing financial support to the surviving family members.

Workers’ compensation offers employees financial relief following a workplace injury. Contact our law firm to find out if you’re eligible to recover workers’ compensation benefits and how we can help.

Omaha Workers Compensation Claims

Omaha Workers Compensation Claims