
Financial Hardship and Bankruptcy
April 3, 2020 | Bankruptcy
If you are experiencing a financial hardship, resulting in an unsustainable level of debt, it can feel like the entire world is falling down around you. Being faced with overwhelming debts that simply cannot be paid is stressful enough; add the fear of possible home foreclosure, the humiliation of wage garnishment, or the anxiety of Read More…

Coronavirus Update | A Message from Our Omaha Law Firm
March 19, 2020 | Accidents, Adoptions, Business law, Child Custody, coronavirus, Court & Insurance, Divorce, Dog bite
Coronavirus is a serious illness that is sweeping the nation. It has no cure. The virus has even made its way into Omaha and will continue to spread throughout communities rapidly if residents don’t listen to the government’s calls to reduce contact with others. The president has recommended that residents not gather with more than Read More…

February 12, 2020 | General
On February 6, 2020 the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation entered an Order consolidating claims in the products liability litigation against the manufacturers the medication Zantac (Ranitidine). Hundreds of actions have been filed across the country by individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer due to their reliance on and use of Zantac Read More…

Slip and Falls in Nebraska
January 23, 2020 | Personal injury
Every slip and fall is a two part equation. Liability is the first part. Did someone do something (or fail to do something) that subjects them to liability? In layman’s terms a property owner is subject to liability for harm by a condition on the property caused to someone who was invited onto the property Read More…

Nebraska Choice of Doctor in Workers’ Compensation Injuries
January 3, 2020 | Workers' compensation
In Nebraska when you are hurt on the job, you have a right to choose your own doctor. This is one of the most important rights you can exercise to ensure that you receive the treatment you need. If your employer tells you right after you are injured that you have a right to choose Read More…

Vocational Rehabilitation—a valuable workers’ compensation benefit
December 4, 2019 | Workers' compensation
In Nebraska when an employee is hurt at work, and they have a permanent injury that prevents a return to the job the employee did at the time of the injury, he or she may be entitled to vocational rehabilitation. This can be the case for injuries to the body as a whole (back and Read More…

Settling your workers’ compensation case
October 30, 2019 | Workers' compensation
If you have been hurt at work and you have had your treatment and you’re at maximum medical improvement (MMI), which is a way of saying your condition is stable and not likely to improve, the insurance company may ask if you want to settle. It’s your decision whether or not you settle the case Read More…

Regardless of your circumstances, it is a good idea to have a will
October 21, 2019 | Wills
It is extremely prudent to have a will. Whether you have assets you would like to give to specific people, provide for the care of your children, establish a trust to care for those dependents, or leave instructions on how to care for the family pet, a will can offer you peace of mind that Read More…

Medical Care in Workers’ Compensation
October 1, 2019 | Workers' compensation
If you have been hurt at work, you may know that your employer (or, more likely, their workers’ compensation insurance company) has to pay for your medical treatment for your injuries. However, insurance companies go by what your doctor puts in writing, not what he or she tells you in your examination. Therefore, it is Read More…

Mileage and Expenses in Workers’ Compensation
| Workers' compensation
If you have been hurt at work, you may know that you’re paid for your time off because of the accident and that your medical expenses are paid without a co-pay. However, there are a few additional benefits that you may not know about, and the insurance company is not going to tell you about Read More…