Understanding worker’s compensation acronyms – part 3
April 20, 2018 | Workers' compensation
Written by: Justin High This is the final post in this three-part series, where we discuss some of the more common, yet most confusing, acronym used in workers’ compensation law. (Part 1 can be read HERE, followed by part 2 HERE on this blog). MMI – Maximum Medical Improvement. You hear this one a lot both Read More…
Understanding worker’s compensation acronyms – part 2
April 10, 2018 | General, Workers' compensation
Written by: Justin High This is the second in a three-part post about the acronyms and terms that are commonly used in a workers’ compensation case. (You can access the first post HERE.) In this series, we look at the “essential elements” of a workers’ compensation claim. A lot of the time, people that are Read More…
Understanding worker’s compensation acronyms – part 1
April 2, 2018 | Workers' compensation
Written by: Justin High I was in trial recently with a client of mine. We had talked about his case at length and prepared quite a bit for trial so we were both ready to go. He was surprisingly comfortable sitting with me in the courtroom. Pretty soon, the judge “called” the case, which is Read More…
Dealing with the aftermath of Semi-Truck Accident
March 28, 2018 | DUI, General, Personal injury, Workers' compensation, Wrongful death
Written by: Frank Younes Accidents involving large vehicles such a Tractor-trailer, Semi-Truck and Trailer, and buses are always horrific and typically result in either the death of those involved or significant permanent injuries that forever change a victim’s life. Unfortunately, such large vehicles which we rely on to transport people and goods carry massive amounts Read More…
Pedestrian Hit by a Bus in Downtown Omaha – Now What?
March 23, 2018 | Family Law, General, Law Enforcement, Wrongful death
In yesterday’s news, a Papillion woman was hit by a bus in downtown Omaha. A video detail can be found HERE on, and the original article as written by Josh Planos on KETV can be viewed here: OMAHA, Neb. — A Papillion woman suffered multiple injuries Thursday night when a Metro bus hit her while Read More…
Things to know if you get pulled over for driving under the influence
March 15, 2018 | DUI, General, Law Enforcement
Written by: Frank Younes So, you’ve been arrested for driving under the influence. You are not alone! In 2016 there were 7,425 arrests for driving under the influence, which accounts for 10.3878% of all arrests that year. What many people do not realize until after they have been arrested, (and many times too late,) is Read More…
What you need to know if a dog bites you
February 24, 2018 | Dog bite, General
Written by: Frank Younes Ouch, you have been bitten by a dog. What should you do? This post is intended to answer your questions if you have suffered a severe dog bite injury. If an unfamiliar dog has bitten you, you need to take immediate action to protect yourself and determine your course of treatment. Dog Read More…
The 3 most important rules of divorce
February 14, 2018 | Divorce
written by: Frank Younes Recently, we have seen various articles being published on-line for people contemplating filing for divorce or currently going through a divorce. You may have seen these as well, they are usually titled “X Things to do before filing for Divorce”, “Divorce Survival Guide”, “Planning for Divorce”, or “Things Not to Do Read More…
Will I have to go to trial? How do I prepare for trial?
January 31, 2018 | Business law, Divorce, Family Law, General, Personal injury, Workers' compensation, Wrongful death
written by: Justin High The decision to settle case or go to trial is always a call that the client gets to make, not the lawyer. But, a more complete answer to the question “do I have to go to trial?” is that there are many cases where a trial is necessary to get a fair Read More…