Workers’ compensation

Semi-truck Drivers and Back Injuries

Semi-truck Drivers and Back Injuries

August 22, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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Being a semi-truck driver can be a risky job. Spending hours on the road puts you at significantly higher risk of being injured in a motor vehicle accident. This is made worse by the size and weight of the semi-truck. Because these trucks are so large and heavy, they are more difficult to control. The Read More…

Semi-truck Drivers and Brain Injuries

Semi-truck Drivers and Brain Injuries

August 17, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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Being out on the open road with miles ahead of you can be relaxing. Driving a semi-truck can be a fulfilling job. However, it comes with many risks. Spending hours at a time behind the wheel of a large vehicle puts you at great risk of being involved in an accident. When this happens, drivers Read More…

Semi-truck Drivers and Neck Injuries

Semi-truck Drivers and Neck Injuries

August 15, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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Being a semi-truck driver exposes you to many risks of injury. These go beyond the risk of being injured in a truck accident. Semi-truck drivers can be injured while carrying out various other work related tasks such as loading and unloading the truck. They can therefore suffer a wide range of injuries. Neck injuries are Read More…

Workers Compensation Law – Omaha NE

Workers Compensation Law – Omaha NE

August 3, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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When an employee is injured or suffers an occupational illness, they may feel alone, powerless and even desperate. Many face mounting medical bills and some even face the possibility of never being able to return to work or make a living in any other way. Fortunately, workers’ compensation insurance provides benefits to help ease the Read More…

Amputation Caused By a Work Accident - Omaha NE

Amputation Caused By a Work Accident – Omaha NE

July 20, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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Workplace accidents can occur at any time and affect anyone. Amputations are an example of a catastrophic workplace accident. These accidents result in permanent damage to the body and are often life-altering. An amputation can result in you not being able to return to work or make a living in any other way. Below, we Read More…

Omaha Workman’s Compensation Lawyer

Omaha Workman’s Compensation Lawyer

July 13, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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Workers compensation is a system designed to provide workers that are injured while on the job a financial cushion. Workers’ can seek to recover financial compensation for damages and losses including medical expenses and lost wages for the period they are unable to work due to their injuries. Employers are required by law to take Read More…

Workers Compensation Accident Attorneys

Workers Compensation Accident Attorneys Omaha NE

June 27, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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No one goes to work with the knowledge that they are going to be injured at work. Yes, even those that work jobs that expose them to great risk do not go to work knowing that they will be injured. However, workplace injuries are quite common. They can occur to anyone at any time. Even Read More…

Omaha Workman's Compensation Lawyer

Omaha Workman’s Compensation Lawyer

June 13, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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Workers compensation is a system designed to provide workers that are injured while on the job a financial cushion. Workers’ can seek to recover financial compensation for damages and losses including medical expenses and lost wages for the period they are unable to work due to their injuries. Employers are required by law to take Read More…

I lost my leg in a work accident

I lost my leg in a work accident, what can I do?

May 23, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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Injuries in the workplace can range from minor injuries such as bruises and minor cuts to catastrophic or life changing injuries such as amputation. If you lost a limb due to a work related accident, you are entitled to compensation. Below we discuss what type of compensation you can pursue and why you should seek Read More…

Workers Rights in a Workers Comp Lawsuit

What are Workers Rights in a Workers Comp Lawsuit?

May 4, 2023 | Workers' compensation

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Have you been injured at work? Workers’ compensation is a system in every state that is designed to provide injured workers with a financial cushion following a work-related accident or incident. Every state requires employers to provide workers with a reasonably safe work environment. When a worker is injured in the line of their duties, Read More…