
What Are Father’s Rights and Custody?
September 8, 2021 | Family Law
The rate of divorce is rising. The number of unwed parents is also rising. It is therefore not surprising that more fathers are looking into child custody and father’s rights. Both parents play an important role in the upbringing of their child. Their role is especially important in the formative stages of a child’s life. Read More…

What Are the Short and Long-Term Effects of Filing for Bankruptcy?
September 3, 2021 | Bankruptcy
The decision to file for bankruptcy is not one that should be taken lightly. There are various things you should consider before you decide that this is the best option for you. If anything, bankruptcy should only be considered as a last resort. Other options such as negotiating with creditors should be considered before filing Read More…

Workers Comp for Neck Injury Omaha NE
September 1, 2021 | Workers' compensation
The American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons reported that back and neck injuries are amongst the leading causes of people having to take time off work. Neck injuries can result in excruciating pain. It can make it difficult or even impossible to work. If you or someone you love has suffered a neck injury as a Read More…

Workers Comp Lawyer Near Me
August 25, 2021 | Workers' compensation
Work-related injuries and illnesses are more common than most people think. They can happen to just about any employee, whether you work as a construction worker or as an administrative assistant. All workers are at risk of being injured. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 2.8 workers out of every 100 fulltime employees Read More…

August 24, 2021 | Bankruptcy
The federal foreclosure moratorium expired this past July 31st and lenders and mortgage servicers have begun the process of foreclosing on homes right away. If you own a home and are concerned about missing a payment, have missed a payment, or have fallen behind by several payments, the following information may help you. Your options Read More…

Eviction Moratorium Expiration – What You Should Do Now!
August 17, 2021 | COVID-19
With Covid-19 cases on the rise again, the US Government has extended the expiration of the Eviction Moratorium. While this provides some short-term relief for millions of people, the eviction moratorium will have to end at some point. If you want to move to the front of the line and learn what you can do Read More…

Personal Injury Lawyer Omaha
August 3, 2021 | Personal injury
Have you or a loved one being injured in an accident? Accidents can occur at any time and their physical and psychological effects can be felt long after their occurrence. If your accident was the result of the negligence of another party, it is important to hold them accountable for their actions (or lack thereof). Read More…

Should I Get a Lawyer if I Got Hurt at Work?
July 23, 2021 | Workers' compensation
Have you been injured while on the job? Work-related injuries and illnesses can be devastating. Not only do you have to deal with the trauma and the physical pain while recovering from the injury but also the financial strain that results from having to miss work. You may be wondering how you will make ends Read More…

What is a Modification of a Divorce Decree?
June 30, 2021 | Divorce, Divorce Attorney Omaha NE
There are various stages that you go through when going through a divorce. The issuing of a decree is the final step in the divorce. The decree is the document that contains the divorce orders issued by the court. The decree outlines all the issues involving your divorce including child custody, child support, alimony and Read More…

Slip and Fall Lawyer – Omaha, NE
June 17, 2021 | Accidents, Personal injury
Slip and fall accidents can occur at anytime and anywhere. These accidents can not only result in injuries that can be incredibly painful and potentially life-altering, but also affect you psychologically and emotionally. Slip and fall accidents can be shocking and disorienting. They can leave a victim feeling embarrassed, confused and even numb. If you Read More…