
Wrongful Death Lawsuit
December 30, 2021 | Wrongful death
Losing a loved one can be very painful. The loss can be even more devastating when the death of a loved one is the result of another party’s negligence or intentional actions. Filing a wrongful death lawsuit can help you and your loved ones begin to find healing. What is a wrongful death lawsuit? Not Read More…

Season’s Greetings and Merry Christmas!!
December 23, 2021 | General
We would like to wish our families, friends and clients a Peaceful and Safe Holiday Season!

Let’s be Happy and Safe Omaha!
December 21, 2021 | DUI Omaha
During this festive time of year, we hope you all have a Very Happy and Safe Holiday Season! We also know that bad things can happen to good people. If you, a family member or friend has a need for a compassionate and caring attorney, we would like to offer our services. Please call 402-933-3345 Read More…

How to Win Maximum Compensation for a Neck or Back Injury Workers Compensation Claim
December 17, 2021 | Workers' compensation
Did you injure your neck or back while working? Have you filed a workers’ compensation claim through your employer? If so, you’ve made the right decision. In most cases, employees are required to file a workers’ compensation claim for injuries sustained on the job. Workers’ comp is a no-fault insurance policy specifically created to reduce Read More…

He was Willing to Listen, He was Willing to Care – Child Support & Alimony Attorney Near Me
December 15, 2021 | Family Law, General
Omaha Child Support Alimony Attorney – Client Testimonial If you are trying to find a Family Law Attorney in Omaha, your search is over. For more information about H&Y Attorneys, please contact us at 402-933-3345 Free initial consultation with an experienced child support and alimony attorney. Hiring a professional attorney will help to improve your Read More…

Wrongful Termination Attorney Near Me
December 10, 2021 | Labor & Employment Law
Losing your job can be a traumatic experience. It can be even more distressing when you are the victim of wrongful termination. Being dismissed wrongfully can cause a substantial financial strain on you and your dependents. Wrongful termination occurs when a person’s employment is terminated illegally. Employers in the US cannot legally fire an employee Read More…

Personal Injury Car Accident
December 7, 2021 | Personal injury
It can be devastating and even stressful to be involved in a car accident. While the stress of dealing with your injuries and the financial strain they may seem like too much, it is nothing compared to having to deal with an insurance company that is seeking to deny or reduce your claim for compensation. Read More…

Garnishment Nebraska – Garnishment Basics
December 2, 2021 | Bankruptcy
Recently, we’ve fielded a LOT of phone calls about garnishments. A good number of these phone calls were from frustrated people who stated they were not aware that a garnishment was on its way before it was too late. As pandemic relief winds down and creditor lawsuits tick up, now might be a good time Read More…

Workers Compensation Nebraska
November 29, 2021 | Workers' compensation
Have you been injured while on the job? It can be difficult to determine whether you’re entitled to benefits and what benefits you can claim. The good news is that workers’ compensation laws in Nebraska allow you to seek compensation for injuries on the job or illnesses related to workplace hazards. Are you eligible for Read More…